My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

PVR9200T and Vista 32 .... Help me Ob-One!

(2 posts)
  1. Boris30


    new member
    Joined: Apr '12
    Posts: 2


    I'm sure this is an old 'chestnut' but can I find an answer to the following? .... No!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1) Why does my comp (Win Vista 32) not recognise my PVR9200T when I run eLinker v.105?
    2) I've read, on-line, that eLinker v.2.05 might be a solution. Is this so?
    3) If v.2.05 is the solution where can I download it from?
    4) Oh and do the new HD ready FoxSat PVTs have a better method of transferring files?
    "Help me Obi-One ..... you're my only hope!"


    | Sun 1 Apr 2012 12:14:49 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,075


    Welcome to the Forum

    Instead of using elinker try the Media Controller GUI programme, details here:

    As for the Foxsat PVR, very easy to transfer to an external HDD attached to one of the USB ports on the unit - however you have to format the HDD as ext 3 if you want to transfer files over 4Gb.

    I have removed your other duplicate post

    | Sun 1 Apr 2012 13:24:11 #2 |

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