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PVR9200T beginner. Recording woes!

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    Good morning all!

    I recently purchased a refurb 9200T, as I have shared care of my kids, and their mum doesn't "do" the kids wanted to "see" programmes they miss on her days.

    First, I had the --:-- issue...luckily, I'm a science Tech, so the 9200 came to work, and I used a bottle of IDA to clean the board up..that now works beautifully.

    However, the machine is a bit of a one for missing the start/end of programmes..I usually select them in the guide, hit "OK" and choose "Whole series"..guessing this is "Series link". However,'s not spot on. Sometimes we miss bits off the beginning/end.

    Is "Series link" the best option, or is there another way? I assume it takes a start signal from the broadcast to initiate? Or it it just timed?

    You'll have to forgive me, I hail from the VHS era, with the scheduler that had..which did seem to use broadcast signals..VideoPlus..heh.

    Basically, I want to record programmes, at the same time each day, during weekdays only..weekends will be different. Any suggestions?

    And as a final - sometimes, from standby the machine just lock up..---- on the display, black screen. It then needs a full power cycle to bring it back. Is this possibly the drive going down? It's the original 160gb IBM Deskstar..not a drive I've ever had time for personally (I used to be IT Support).

    Many thanks..

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 11:15:06 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sirbendy - 2 hours ago  » 
    However, the machine is a bit of a one for missing the start/end of programmes..I usually select them in the guide, hit "OK" and choose "Whole series"..guessing this is "Series link". However,'s not spot on. Sometimes we miss bits off the beginning/end.
    Is "Series link" the best option, or is there another way? I assume it takes a start signal from the broadcast to initiate?

    Start and finish times will be taken from broadcast data providing the settings in the Record menu for Recording Start Time and End Time are set to "On time". The 9200 is known to be a bit sluggish in responding to the start signal but is usually reasonably good at responding to the "end" signal. What channels are you recording from?

    Is this possibly the drive going down? It's the original 160gb IBM Deskstar.

    First time I have heard of an IBM Deskstar being fitted as standard; are you sure that the drive is original? The drive is usually a Seagate DB35 optimised for PVR usage.

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 13:35:53 #2 |
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    it's usually CBeebies..heh. As to the drive,'s def. a Deathstar..later one by Hitachi.

    So, it's highly possible this has been replaced then? I will admit, it has a bit of a hum to it..

    Would this in any way explain why on "soft off" to "soft on", it gets stuck at "----" and "Please Wait" on screen? I find myself wondering if the drive is a slow identifier...I've had lots of calls to PCs where the drive has been sluggish to ID to the chipset, leading to "no drive" boot failures.

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 13:50:29 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    sirbendy - 19 minutes ago  » 
    Would this in any way explain why on "soft off" to "soft on", it gets stuck at "----" and "Please Wait" on screen? I find myself wondering if the drive is a slow identifier...I've had lots of calls to PCs where the drive has been sluggish to ID to the chipset, leading to "no drive" boot failures.

    The 9200 is not very tolerant of non standard drives (although some do work). Usually the problem is that the drive is ignored so that the box loses all recording and playback functionality. Have you tried formatting the drive from HDD Control menu item in the Record menu?

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 14:12:50 #4 |
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    sirbendy - 2 hours ago  » 
    it's usually CBeebies..heh. As to the drive,'s def. a Deathstar..later one by Hitachi.

    If I'd bought I'd certainly be tying to get my money back including postage and packing and buy an alternative 2nd hand.

    | Sat 1 Aug 2015 16:10:39 #5 |

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