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PVR9300 Skips on Playback

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    My PVR9300T started to 'skip' when playing back some - but not all -recorded programmes. I suspected the hard drive might have developed bad sectors, so I swapped it with another I had available. This cured the program for a few months but recently the same thing happened. So I swapped in another hard drive (I work in IT) and all seems ok so far. So Q.1 Anybody else seen this issue ? Next part of this post is I cannot get the previously used hard drives to do anything in my PC at all. I had expected to be able to re-format them and then run a check disk to reveal and block bad sectors. However - computer says no. From the minimal time taken by the Humax box to 'format' a new hard drive, I assume it only does something to the header file, not a deep format of each sector. Q.2 Does anyone have any info on what the Humax actually does to hard drives from a formatting point of view ?

    | Sun 22 Dec 2013 14:21:44 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GibbyS - 1 hour ago  »  Next part of this post is I cannot get the previously used hard drives to do anything in my PC at all. I had expected to be able to re-format them and then run a check disk to reveal and block bad sectors.

    What happens when you try to format them?

    Q.2 Does anyone have any info on what the Humax actually does to hard drives from a formatting point of view ?

    What exactly do you want to know? The 9300 uses a Humax proprietary file system but it should be perfectly feasible to overwrite it with any standard PC file system.

    | Sun 22 Dec 2013 16:22:30 #2 |
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    Hi Martin - Thanks for replying but I think I've cracked it ! I couldn't get the PC to recognise either disk after they had been used in the PVR (PVR must do something to the header file ?) I found that all I needed to do was get Disk Manager to re-initialise the header file and both disks are now usable with my PC again. Now running a disk check to see if it finds any bad sectors which may indicate why both these disks started to skip during playback (My original problem) !

    | Mon 23 Dec 2013 15:06:12 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GibbyS - 2 hours ago  » 
    Now running a disk check to see if it finds any bad sectors which may indicate why both these disks started to skip during playback (My original problem) !

    You need to be aware that if there are any bad sectors then you will have problems with the Humax as the file system used by the 9150/9200/9300 do not have any capability to deal with bad blocks.

    | Mon 23 Dec 2013 17:15:23 #4 |

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