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pvr9300t disc formatting

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    Joined: May '14
    Posts: 2


    I am new to forums but desperation brings me to try to find what to do.
    My PVR9300T has been skipping short sections of longer programmes and losing sync on sound for sometime now and has been pretty frustrating but I have not got around to sorting it out. Now it is not recording properly.It seems to name it differently and put a different time on it thus hiding it differently on the schedule which I found by accident.
    My question is will formating the disc sort this out and will I lose all my recordings. Would i be better to reset the factory setting

    | Mon 5 May 2014 19:44:43 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tallpaul - 24 minutes ago  » 
    I am new to forums but desperation brings me to try to find what to do.
    My question is will formating the disc sort this out and will I lose all my recordings.

    Formatting is the only action that will resolve the later problem (the problem you describe first sounds like a known issue with the 9150/9300). Formatting the disk will delete all recordings. Note that if you take no action then the next step is that all recordings will vanish from the recorded list.

    | Mon 5 May 2014 20:11:41 #2 |

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