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Raydon installed but I'm lost!

(13 posts)
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    special member
    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 146


    I reckon that nearly all my recordings are in HD, so will it be easier and possible to use only the HD method for allthe recordings?

    You mention smart TVs in the final paragraph. ATM mine is a dumb one. I've a nasty feeling that might make things difficult. Comment?

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 9:32:21 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    cerclebois - 54 minutes ago  » 
    I reckon that nearly all my recordings are in HD, so will it be easier and possible to use only the HD method for allthe recordings?

    If your existing recordings are in HD there is no method that will allow the encryption to be removed so that they can be played on a different box.

    | Thu 28 Jul 2016 10:27:30 #12 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 146


    Ah well! Get watching more in the next month, or see if using SCART to watch SD might be on!

    | Fri 29 Jul 2016 18:05:52 #13 |

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