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Read 9200 Files on Windows 7

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    For some time I've been using Tread9200files to read and copy the files from a 9200 disk into my PC, after taking the disk out of the Humax and connecting it directly to the IDE of my PC, running Windows XP. It's a great utility for mass copying Humax files to an external hard disk, for example.

    I've now upgraded the PC to Windows 7, downloaded the program files, and tried to get it to run (as Administrator, in XP compatability mode) but without success.

    Any suggestions, anyone ?

    many thanks


    | Tue 3 Jan 2012 19:05:18 #1 |
  2. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    firstly 9200treadfiles is an old version and you should download hummyreadfiles 0.94 from our download pages (link).
    set hummyreadfiles to always run as administrator in the priveledge level section on the compatibility tab reached by right clicking and selecting properties as opposed to using the run as administrator from the right click menu. That works for me on 32 bit Win 7 at least.

    Alternatively you can run humaxrw from an administrator command prompt (type cmd into the search box, right click the cmd.exe in the list above and select run as administrator). It's all command line (no GUI) but straight forward and copes with >256 files if you ever put a larger drive in. It's on the same blog page as hummyreadfiles.

    | Tue 3 Jan 2012 21:22:16 #2 |
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    Hi, and many thanks for the response.

    I realised later on that I needed to adjust my BIOS settings to recognise the Humax hard disk (set IDE channel to "Auto"). Once I'd done that, Hummyreadfies 0.94 worked like a dream.

    Indeed it even transferred files that had caused the earlier version to crash (something to do with filenames I think).

    So a great success.

    Once again, thanks


    | Wed 4 Jan 2012 0:28:15 #3 |
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    Hi Firstly I am so glad to have found you after the demise of the old forum and good to see a lot of familiar names.
    Now I'm afraid I need help again.I have upgraded my computer to a Windows 7 64bit and my hummyreadfiles 0.94 only seems to work sometimes and the rest of the times fails to open I've set computer to run in XP compatibility mode but still it only works sometimes.Am I doing something wrong or do I need to try a different program ? If so what should a semi-illiterate computer user try that won't confound me.Thanks for your help . Ruth

    | Wed 4 Jan 2012 3:11:13 #4 |
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    You don't say whether you also ran the program as administrator - Aldaweb suggests permanently setting the Program's properties to Administrator and XP-Compatbility, using the "Properties" dialog.

    To do this, right-click on the program file, select "Properties", then select the "Compatibilities" tab, and check the two boxes for Run as Administrator and XP-Compatbility mode. I guess you could also check the box for all users too, to be on the safe side. Then save and exit.

    Now try running the program ....

    Good luck.


    | Wed 4 Jan 2012 16:41:10 #5 |
  6. aldaweb


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    joecav - 17 hours ago  » 
    Hi, and many thanks for the response.
    I realised later on that I needed to adjust my BIOS settings to recognise the Humax hard disk (set IDE channel to "Auto"). Once I'd done that, Hummyreadfies 0.94 worked like a dream.
    Indeed it even transferred files that had caused the earlier version to crash (something to do with filenames I think).
    So a great success.
    Once again, thanks

    I sometimes forget that some of you need to connect directly to the motherboard on the PC rather than the USB-IDE route. The 0.94 update was indeed to do with 'illegal' (for filenames) characters in the programme name. Glad it's sorted now.

    | Wed 4 Jan 2012 18:26:34 #6 |
  7. aldaweb


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    Ruth900 - 15 hours ago  » 
    Hi Firstly I am so glad to have found you after the demise of the old forum and good to see a lot of familiar names.

    Hi Ruth and welcome to the forum.

    See my post no2 above. I don't actually need to run in XP compatibility on 32 bit Win 7 but the important thing is in the compatibility tab reached from the properties option when you right click the hummyreadfiles0.94.exe file, make sure that in the priveledge section the 'run as administrator' is checked.

    | Wed 4 Jan 2012 18:33:23 #7 |
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    Thanks for the replies,I have tried but still doesn't want to work.I would try the other one but I don't know what command prompt is,far less how to use it.I did say I was only semi-literate in computers.I read in another section ,I think,about other people having difficulties with 64bit Windows7 but I'm not sure of which solution I should try.I like Hummyreadfiles they're familiar and easy,I've been using them for years to take files off the Humax and run them through MPegStreamclip to put them on my Archos.I transfer about 50 Gbs a week so I really need something that works without having to mess about with it for an hour before it will do anything.Any advice or help would be very gratefully received,please.

    | Thu 5 Jan 2012 5:47:25 #8 |
  9. aldaweb


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    Posts: 400


    How are you connecting to the drive?

    Would you like a walk through of using the command prompt to see if that works for you?

    | Thu 5 Jan 2012 17:46:14 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    aldaweb - 32 minutes ago  » 
    Would you like a walk through of using the command prompt to see if that works for you?

    There is a GUI front end for HumaxRW at

    | Thu 5 Jan 2012 18:22:45 #10 |

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