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Read 9200 Files on Windows 7

(20 posts)
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    Hi I'm connecting using IDE-USB cable mod. I have had some success with the previous suggestions,I did the run in XP run as administrator also changed settings for all users and it didn't seem to work but after a restart [rather than turn off then back on] it has now started working and 3 times I've tried it and 3 times it started and didn't stall during the first download as it sometimes does. I am really hopeful [though not completely convinced] that this has solved the problem.If this has not fixed the problem will the HumaxRW with or without the GUI work with the cable mod,I had thought that was a replacement for elinker? If so I may well need a talk though of how to do it. But bear in mind I have just spent 2 hours trying to get Internet Explorer to stop having a long skinny and therefore completely unreadable display,so I'm really not good at this but I amm very good at following instructions,that's how I got a cable mod and made it work.Thanks again for the help. Ruth

    | Sat 7 Jan 2012 1:36:42 #11 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Ruth900 - 8 hours ago  » 
    If this has not fixed the problem will the HumaxRW with or without the GUI work with the cable mod,I had thought that was a replacement for elinker?

    You thought wrong. Media Controller is the replacement for eLinker (and hence connects to the USB port on the Humax). HumaxRW requires direct access to the hard drive and so will work with the cable mod.

    | Sat 7 Jan 2012 9:47:23 #12 |
  3. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Martin Liddle - 1 day ago  » 
    There is a GUI front end for HumaxRW at

    Thanks for that link Martin - I wasn't aware of it as I'm comfortable with CL anyway.
    To whom do we give credit for it?

    | Sat 7 Jan 2012 14:41:07 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    aldaweb - 3 hours ago  » 

    Martin Liddle - 1 day ago  » 
    There is a GUI front end for HumaxRW at

    To whom do we give credit for it?

    User Astronomy over on who signs his posts Thomas.

    | Sat 7 Jan 2012 18:33:13 #14 |
  5. gra26264


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 28


    I moded my humax 9200t 2 or 3 years ago and have been using hummyreadfiles094 with no problems so yesterday I did the mod for a friend who has a 9200t with a 320gb hard drive.
    When I connected his humax to my computer and ran hummyreadfiles a message "no recordings found on drive" appeared.
    He has over 400 hundred recordings on his drive,would this be the problem?Is there a way around this issue as he would dearly like to transfer a lot of these recordings and make room on his drive?A lot of the recordings are radio recordings,

    | Wed 15 Feb 2012 13:06:53 #15 |
  6. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    hummyreadfiles has a problem with greater than 256 files but I would have expected to see some (most) files listed unless there is some drive corruption.

    Try humaxrw from the download pages (link) and if you're not comfortable with the command line there's a GUI front end linked to in Martin's post here (link)
    If you still get no listing then you will need to use humaxrw in recovery mode (command line only - at least at present)

    | Wed 15 Feb 2012 14:08:26 #16 |
  7. gra26264


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 28


    Hi Aldaweb,
    thanks for your quick reply,I'm not sure if the drive has any corruption as it seems to list programs ok when in the humax,no repetions of programs on the lidt which is a problem I haver had in the past resulting in needing to format the drive.I have now downloaded humaxrw and the GUI front end and will report back as to how I get on,
    thanks again,


    | Wed 15 Feb 2012 14:39:52 #17 |
  8. gra26264


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 28


    I thought I had better mention that I am running windows 7 64 bit but don't think this is a problem as hummyreadfiles works ok on my humax,also I have swapped mod cables on both humax's to make sure there is no problem with the most recently made mod

    | Wed 15 Feb 2012 14:43:04 #18 |
  9. gra26264


    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 28


    Hi Aldaweb,
    Humaxrw did the trick,nice one,thanks for your help,G

    | Thu 16 Feb 2012 0:08:56 #19 |
  10. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Good news

    Thanks for updating us.

    | Thu 16 Feb 2012 13:05:02 #20 |

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