My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

Record failed

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    Had Humax record Box for about a year now.

    Record failed, this is happening often with no real pattern at all.

    Thanks in advance


    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 17:59:50 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    stevek - 46 minutes ago  » 
    Had Humax record Box for about a year now.
    Record failed, this is happening often with no real pattern at all.

    Please start by telling us which model of Humax box you have?

    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 18:46:46 #2 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Yes which model do you have please?. To be fair to my 2000T it makes some superb recordings sometimes 2 hours long without any glitches whatsoever.

    If you have trouble with the signal the recording will fail although sometimes it gives the warning(very rarely) but the recording seems fine.

    Anything to do with a poor or interupted signal will fail the recording...local taxi firm... tree.. your cables....older aligned aerial...transmitter or relay issues...etc

    With the TV its a process of elimination and it can be a niggle as an aerial engineer and full diagnosis starts costing extra money

    | Sat 9 Sep 2017 18:54:56 #3 |

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