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recorded programme list blank

(4 posts)
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    Posts: 1


    My 9200T has lost its recorded programmes list despite the disk showing 40% full - ie the recordings are still there hopefully.

    There are other messages about this and it seems the situation is unrecoverable - unless someone knows differently?

    My main question therefore is therefore, is there any way of recovering the files by transferring to PC and can they be viewed there (XP or 7)?

    Any help/advice greatly appreciated

    | Fri 22 Mar 2013 11:18:42 #1 |
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    Do not record or delete any more recordings. The HDD index is corrupt and any more activity will harm recoverabity. Watching recordings is OK.

    The tool you will need is Humaxrw. Hopefully someone will point to a link that explains better than I.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2013 12:35:39 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    terryg - 6 hours ago  » 
    My main question therefore is therefore, is there any way of recovering the files by transferring to PC and can they be viewed there (XP or 7)?

    The only way to recover them is to open the Humax, attach the disk direct to a PC and use humaxrw in recovery mode (-r command line option). The software can be downloaded from Link to humaxrw More detailed instructions can be provided if required. Once downloaded the recordings can be played on a PC.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2013 17:25:44 #3 |
  4. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    In addition to what Martin has written, when you attach the drive to the PC do not let the PC 'initialise the drive'.
    If you are using Windows Vista or 7 then open an administrator command prompt (enter cmd in the search box and right-click on cmd.exe then select 'run as administrator') then CD to the directory where humaxrw is and enter the command as Martin has described. You shouldn't need to do this under XP.

    | Fri 22 Mar 2013 18:15:06 #4 |

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