My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

recording failed

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    If I schedule a recording through there are a lot of failed recordings. Is it possible that the box won't record if it is on standby? Whereas it will do so if I schedule a recording directly onto the box itself. Or is worse than useless, which is my alternative hypothesis? Thanks, Martin.

    | Sun 6 Dec 2020 12:45:25 #1 |
  2. The Moog

    The Moog

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    I have found to be wholly unreliable.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 11:19:53 #2 |
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    Martinthegreat - 1 day ago  » 
    If I schedule a recording through there are a lot of failed recordings. Is it possible that the box won't record if it is on standby? Whereas it will do so if I schedule a recording directly onto the box itself. Or is worse than useless, which is my alternative hypothesis?

    Which model of recorder do you have?

    You have posted your query in the section for models 9200T, 9300T and 9150T but those models cannot make use of as these models cannot be connected to the internet.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 13:20:13 #3 |
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    new member
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    OK sorry I thought I had selected the 5000T section, though thank you Moog for confirming my suspicions!

    Admin edit: Moved to correct area.

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 13:50:47 #4 |
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    Martinthegreat - 1 day ago  » 
    If I schedule a recording through there are a lot of failed recordings.

    I no longer own a FVP-4000T/5000T but for the short period I did own one I did manage to identify that it does need to be tuned to just one transmitter otherwise there is a risk that some recordings will be at risk of failing.

    For how to make sure that you are only tuned to just 1 transmitter see

    | Mon 7 Dec 2020 15:11:15 #5 |

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