My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Recording Failed. Unable to track program.(part 2)

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    Further to my previous problems.
    In the last week, recordings have failed on BBC2,3,4 and Yesterday(19). " Recording failed: Unable to track program".
    Also, for the third or fourth time, when it is paused & I "release" it, I get the message that "nothing is being transmitted on this channel" (or something like that) -but I'm on BBC1! BBC2 the same, until I use the program button (P) to go up to ITV (3) then I go back, & BBC1&2 work again.

    | Sun 21 Sep 2014 15:59:57 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    inspector - 19 minutes ago  » 
    Further to my previous problems.
    In the last week, recordings have failed on BBC2,3,4 and Yesterday(19). " Recording failed: Unable to track program".
    Also, for the third or fourth time, when it is paused & I "release" it, I get the message that "nothing is being transmitted on this channel" (or something like that) -but I'm on BBC1! BBC2 the same, until I use the program button (P) to go up to ITV (3) then I go back, & BBC1&2 work again.

    Which model of Humax box is this?

    | Sun 21 Sep 2014 16:19:34 #2 |
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    It's an HDR-2000T which I am guessing as had a recent retune!

    @inspector, I suggest that you initially retune it to ensure that you are receiving from just the most appropriate transmitter and then report any issues which occur after that.

    For retuning see

    | Sun 21 Sep 2014 16:29:48 #3 |
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    Yes, it's an HDR2000T. I retuned 3rd September. It usually gets all channels from Bilsdale automatically, but I've deleted all channels, and re-tuned manually, so we'll see how it goes.
    Thanks for your help folks.

    | Mon 22 Sep 2014 9:29:56 #4 |
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    I've checked my schedule, & a couple of times, I've found three programs scheduled for the same time! 9pm. I thought that the Humax wouldn't let this happen?
    I could understand a failure because of this, but I got a "failure to Track" for a program at 25 min past midnight when nothing else was programmed.
    I've retuned, but the only progs were the 9pm multiples (twice!)

    | Sat 27 Sep 2014 19:23:55 #5 |
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    inspector - 19 minutes ago  » 
    I've checked my schedule, & a couple of times, I've found three programs scheduled for the same time! 9pm. I thought that the Humax wouldn't let this happen?

    The freeview+ specification specifies that freeview+ recorders only have to check for conflicts when you first setup the timer. In subsequent weeks if the broadcaster adds to, or changes, the times to one where you have 2 timers already the 2000T does not check. A recent example of a broadcaster expanding into other time slots for a series is for X-factor which last week added 9pm Friday to its broadcast slots.

    inspector - 25 minutes ago  » 
    I've retuned, but the only progs were the 9pm multiples (twice!)

    Please would you clarify. A retune removes entries in the schedule.

    Have a look at the list of frequency channel numbers that the 2000T displays
    MENU >> Settings >> System >> Signal Detection >> right arrow (next to the OK button).
    The list should only show channel numbers for the multiplexes from Bilsdale - 23, 26, 29, 31, 40, 43 and 46.

    | Sat 27 Sep 2014 20:14:15 #6 |
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    Yes, those are the Bilsdale numbers I used when I retuned manually. But that was 3rd September. Are you implying that a series link is not removed by retuning?

    | Sun 28 Sep 2014 7:24:13 #7 |
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    inspector - 1 hour ago  » 
    Yes, those are the Bilsdale numbers I used when I retuned manually. But that was 3rd September.

    I have no doubt that they are the numbers you used.

    I am suggesting that you should check what your HDR-2000T is really tuned to. What does the 2000T show in the multiplex channel list?
    MENU >> Settings >> System >> Signal Detection >> right arrow (next to the OK button).

    | Sun 28 Sep 2014 8:53:26 #8 |
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    I've checked, (thanks for the instructions) and I've got 26,29,40,43&46
    Nothing came up on 23 when I retuned.

    | Sun 28 Sep 2014 17:33:44 #9 |
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    By posting only Bilsdale channels showing up on your multiplex channel list this means that we (you, me and everyone else) can be confident that it is not the tuning that is causing the 'unable to track progarm' messages.

    Hopefully now that the usual suspect is ruled out others on MyHumax can give suggests about what the cause could be.

    I'm sorry that I have not helped you to fix the problem.

    (By the way, 23 is the multiplex channel which contains all the main national HD channels. When manually tuning to 23 a couple of lines lower there is a 'transmission' line. Unlike the other channels this needs to be set to DVB-T2 when you tune into 23. That should get you the HD channels.)

    | Sun 28 Sep 2014 18:47:41 #10 |

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