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Recording glitches

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    Have had HDR Fox t2 for a couple of years with out any problems but in the last few weeks I have had problems with playback recordings where the image freezes / becomes pixelated and loses audio for probably 5-10 seconds and reoccurs probably half a dozen time during a one hour recording. I have noticed no problem when viewing non-recorded programs so don’t think it’s a reception issue. Is it possible that the hard drive has deteriorated over time and it’s time to buy a new pvr – how long do these last? Worth formatting the drive first?

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 14:43:55 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    damosin - 1 hour ago  » 
    Have had HDR Fox t2 for a couple of years with out any problems but in the last few weeks I have had problems with playback recordings where the image freezes / becomes pixelated and loses audio for probably 5-10 seconds and reoccurs probably half a dozen time during a one hour recording.

    I would agree that this is probably a hard drive problem. The only way to be certain is to install the custom firmware and have a look at the SMART status of the disk. If the count of reallocated sectors is more than about a thousand then the disk is definitely on the way out. I would suggest you consider changing the disk rather than getting a new PVR. A replacement 1TB disk of the correct type will cost a bit over £50 (1TB is the largest drive that the Humax itself will format) and is very straightforward to change. I was suffering a similar problem to you and fitted a new 2TB drive (which is fiddlier to format) and have had no further problems.

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 16:11:02 #2 |
  3. af123


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    It is most likely just a single suspect sector on the drive which is easily repaired using the custom firmware... As Martin says, installing it will give much more insight.

    If you don't want to go down that route then reformatting the disk may correct the problem for you (but that depends on exactly what the problem is).

    | Mon 28 Oct 2013 16:54:04 #3 |
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    Many thanks for the suggestions. I ran the HDD check from the device menu and it came back with no errors. Haven't tried installing the firmware yet - presumably with would give a more detailed check of the drive.

    | Tue 29 Oct 2013 13:25:35 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    damosin - 1 hour ago  » 
    Haven't tried installing the firmware yet - presumably with would give a more detailed check of the drive.

    Yes it will show the SMART data and if there appears to be a problem which based on your symptoms, I think there is, will allow a judgement as to whether the disk is nearing the end of its life or there is a problem with a few sectors which can be corrected with the tools in the custom firmware.

    | Tue 29 Oct 2013 15:03:14 #5 |
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    I installed some custom firmware but could see no new functionality offered in the device menus so am no closer to running the hard drive analysis(I could see no obvious changes, even though it said it had been successfully instaled).

    Is there a specific firmware I should be installing? I might have to take this to someone who knows what they're doing as I am struggling to find any detailed instruction on line on what to do.

    | Sun 3 Nov 2013 20:44:55 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    damosin - 2 hours ago  » 
    I installed some custom firmware but could see no new functionality offered in the device menus.

    You will not see any change in the menus. The magic is revealed by using a web browser on a computer to access the Humax.

    | Sun 3 Nov 2013 23:03:40 #7 |

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