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Recording problem

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    John He

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    My 9300T will no longer record a scheduled or current programme, although the temporary Time Shift function still works, as do the other functions I use. The hard drive contains many historical programmes which I can still watch and want, above all, to keep.
    Humax offer no practical help for this model but suggested I try reformatting the disk which would, of course delete the stored programmes. They also suggested disk contamination could prevent recording. But the recording function still works with Time Shift which I assume still employs the disk rather than some temporary solid state memory(?)

    I am not very knowledgable technically - perhaps the programmes could be copied to a portable hard drive or memory?)and watched elsewhere in case the PVR should be beyond help? At this stage I'm not keen to just assume it is and junk it.

    | Thu 26 May 2016 16:23:55 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    John He - 1 hour ago  » 
    My 9300T will no longer record a scheduled or current programme, although the temporary Time Shift function still works, as do the other functions I use. The hard drive contains many historical programmes which I can still watch and want, above all, to keep.
    Humax offer no practical help for this model but suggested I try reformatting the disk which would, of course delete the stored programmes.

    The first thing to try would be a reset to default settings which will clear the schedule of future recordings but leave the existing recordings in place. If that fails then the only other thing to do would be a format. If you really want to preserve the programs then it can be done by connecting the hard drive to a PC (typically using a SATA to USB adapter) and using the humaxrw software to copy the programs to the PC where they can be played with something like VLC.

    | Thu 26 May 2016 17:47:59 #2 |
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    John He

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    Thanks for that reply. After failing to record for over 2 weeks the unit started behaving correctly again the day after I posted this topic! I hope it stays this way and wonder whether this narrows down the possible reasons for the original problem. Over the past three months or so the 9300T has locked up on a few occasions, requiring a reset to get it going again. These were before the recording problem arose.
    I have been looking at sources for the humaxrw software in case the problem returns for good, but without success. The nearest I got was a message merely saying in effect "Cannot download, payment required." Payment where, to whom?

    | Fri 27 May 2016 22:13:38 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    John He - 1 hour ago  » 
    I have been looking at sources for the humaxrw software in case the problem returns for good, but without success.

    You can download it from this site; see

    | Fri 27 May 2016 23:27:27 #4 |
  5. andyfras


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    9300 PSU capacitors have been known to fail causing unreliable operation.

    | Sat 28 May 2016 7:32:32 #5 |
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    John He

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    Thanks for those helpful replies. After a few days' good behaviour, the problem is back again, which shows I suppose it's not a terminal one. Maybe it is the PSU capacitors (whatever they are!) or possibly a loose connection somewhere. Guess I'll have to find a good repair shop in my area (Chichester/Portsmouth). Any recommendations welcome.

    | Mon 30 May 2016 14:35:24 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    John He - 27 minutes ago  » 
    After a few days' good behaviour, the problem is back again, which shows I suppose it's not a terminal one.

    I would say that there is a very good chance that formatting the drive will fix the problem. This will of course delete your recordings unless you download them first.

    | Mon 30 May 2016 15:04:46 #7 |
  8. andyfras


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    John He - 16 hours ago  » I'll have to find a good repair shop in my area (Chichester/Portsmouth). Any recommendations welcome.

    I'm in Fleet (M3 J5/4a) and have repaired many Topfield and some Humax PVRs, including the 9300T.

    | Tue 31 May 2016 7:11:12 #8 |

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