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Recording repeats

(5 posts)
  1. andyb63uk

    Andy B

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    FVT4000T. Does anyone else have channel 5 recording the repeat of a program?

    i.e. We have Casualty 247 set to record at 22:00 on Wednesday, but it also records the repeat at 04:00 on Saturday.

    Is there a solution to stop this happening?


    | Fri 10 Apr 2020 20:41:57 #1 |
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    Yes and no.

    | Fri 10 Apr 2020 20:52:06 #2 |
  3. Trev


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    It's the provider's shoddy use of CRIDs that causes it.

    | Sat 11 Apr 2020 9:52:46 #3 |
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    Trev - 2 hours ago  » 
    It's the provider's shoddy use of CRIDs that causes it.

    That is only half the story.
    Yes if Channel 5 could change their process for generation the series CRIDs, but some non-Humax models to cope and don't record the reports because they look out for duplicates and ignore them of they have already been recorded. The d-book actually point out that manufacturers could do this. The d-book even contains an example figure to help explain this to manufacturers.

    | Sat 11 Apr 2020 12:49:43 #4 |
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    I've found this also. What I have noticed is if the programme is recorded (but not watched or deleted) then the repeat doesn't record, but if you've watched the recording and deleted it before the repeat is aired then it'll record the repeat.

    | Sun 12 Apr 2020 8:56:30 #5 |

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