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Recording too many shows!

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    Joined: May '12
    Posts: 4


    Hi all,

    We've got a problem with our 1100s where it will record multiple instances of the same show, so for example we might record "Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away!", and sometime during the week the box will decide we want another copy of the episode and record that. Instead of recording the current series in order, it will record most showings of the same show regardless of order. Of course, this then ties up the box for recordings that we do actually want!

    We've only had the box two months and we are also getting the issue where the box is cancelling scheduled recordings itself, presumably related to our first issue above.

    My partner has just re-entered one of the scheduled recordings now for a Wednesday, got back to the scheduled recordings section only to find the box has decided it wants to record the show on a Monday!

    Help please!

    | Fri 13 May 2016 16:43:13 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Possibly a codeing issue by the broadcaster. Can you post broadcaster and programme that is causing the issue. Given that info we can try and replicate the issue. Bear in mind when you set a series recording the box will find the first occurence of that series in the epg and make that the first recording, it will then schedule the next episode after this one is recorded. This may well be before the episode you set the reservation on. There's nothing wrong if this is what is happening, that's how series recordings is supposed to work.

    | Fri 13 May 2016 16:50:51 #2 |
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    I suspect it's Channel 5 he's having problems with Graham. I've been having similar issues with C5 since they went to HD.

    I'm recording C5 on my 2000T so both SD and HD available - I always use SD. GP's behind closed doors is recording the correct versions on a Wednesday night then recording them again at lunchtime on various days throughout the week. They are often not the same episode or even the same series. Can't pay we'll take it away is another example.

    I have deleted the links and tried them afresh but it makes no difference. It's not as though they are rogue recordings as they are listed to record in the schedule. I am working on the principle that C5 can't sort out the CRIDs.

    | Fri 13 May 2016 21:54:03 #3 |

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