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Recordings library disappeared

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    I have a Humax 9200T that has lost all its recordings. I went to delete something from the recordings list last night, and the PVR froze/hung. I unplugged it and rebooted it - and now there's nothing in the recordings library. There's still plenty of space on the disk (altho' 24GB is 'used') so I suspect the index has randomly corrupted. (My wife's away, and I've been recording endless episodes of Coronation Street and Doctors for her... ) . The question is: does anyone know of any way of retrieving the recordings before she files for divorce?

    I really don't want to try loading any 3rd party software to it (I have a long history of turning electronic equipment into bricks) and I don't want to remove the hard drive. The thing is, other than the lost library, it seems to be working fine.

    I'm hoping someone, somewhere knows a solution that doesn't involve either of the above. TIA. Ian

    | Sat 14 Jun 2014 14:57:37 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    ianmcm - 7 minutes ago  » 
    The question is: does anyone know of any way of retrieving the recordings before she files for divorce?

    The ONLY way of recovering the recordings is to open the box; connect the hard drive to a computer (usually easiest with an IDE to USB converter) and use humaxrw in recovery mode.

    | Sat 14 Jun 2014 15:07:26 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin. That's somewhere I really don't want to go. I was hoping that there was some sort of easy magic bullet out there that I'd overlooked - but I think you've confirmed there isn't,

    Your quick response is much appreciated, though.

    It looks like divorce, then...

    | Sat 14 Jun 2014 17:44:12 #3 |
  4. Davy


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    My 1010S sometimes comes up when I boot it that there is no recordings as well even though I knew tp there was. I rebooted and they all turned up again. Has happened a few times. Give it a try....

    | Sat 14 Jun 2014 18:44:16 #4 |
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    Thanks Davy. I'll do that.

    | Sun 15 Jun 2014 11:20:26 #5 |

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