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Recordings List not showing Channel Name

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Feb '21
    Posts: 49


    Over the last 5 days the “Recordings” list has not been showing the name of the Channel – just blank. There have however been 3 exceptions out of 16 recordings where the channel is shown ie. Talking Pictures (x2) and BBC1HD (x1). The latter is multiple recordings (5 days of Bargain Hunt).
    If I scroll down to “Channel” the channels are all there. Scroll to “Day of week” and the same one's are missing on their respective days. On the “Schedule” list the word “Invalid” is shown in the channel column for each recording apart from an odd three halfway down the list – these are not the same 3 exceptions as above.

    One other thing that might be related is that when watching a recorded programme and it ends but the recording still has remaining time to run, I press the 'Stop' button as I always have, and whereas this usually takes me back to the list (not always to the right recording by the way), it has now started going straight to Live TV (but not always). I then have to go back to the 'List' and find the appropriate recording to delete it.

    Has anyone else had this? I've rebooted 3 times from 'Freeview page' but no change.

    I just remembered that in the early stages of this problem I saw the word “nul” somewhere – in the channel column I think. It's not there now. Also if I press the “i” button on any of these recordings, the Channel isn't displayed there either.

    | Mon 12 Jul 2021 10:09:15 #1 |
  2. Mars


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    Have you tried retuning?

    | Mon 12 Jul 2021 10:54:46 #2 |
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    Mars - 3 hours ago  » 
    Have you tried retuning?

    Thanks for the suggestion Mars. I've now just done that and scheduled a couple of recordings to start in a few minutes as a test. In the meantime (before the retuning) I had tried recording something I was watching at the time. I did this twice and both times the channel name was shown. I'd therefore come to the conclusion that the problem only occurred with 'scheduled' recordings.
    Back shortly with the results.....

    | Mon 12 Jul 2021 15:03:22 #3 |
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    Posts: 49


    Wheelmon - 10 mins ago  » 

    Mars - 3 hours ago  » 
    Have you tried retuning?

    Thanks for the suggestion Mars. I've now just done that and scheduled a couple of recordings to start in a few minutes as a test. In the meantime (before the retuning) I had tried recording something I was watching at the time. I did this twice and both times the channel name was shown. I'd therefore come to the conclusion that the problem only occurred with 'scheduled' recordings.
    Back shortly with the results.....

    So far so good!!
    Both show the channel name, so that's both 'scheduled' and 'instant' recordings tested.

    Many thanks Mars - [why didn't I think of that? ]

    | Mon 12 Jul 2021 15:21:57 #4 |

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