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Recordings not deleting

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    I do not understand why anyone is saying that there is a work around as, when there is a bogus file restriction caused by a malfunction in the software you cannot delete some files regardless of following the: Play>Stop>Delete method above. It does not work in all situations.

    What I'd like to know is why Humax do not apply a software correction in their updates to resolve this? Just because something is out of guarantee does not negate the responsibility of a manufacturer against creating faulty goods that malfunction?

    My car is 12 years old but functions perfectly because it was properly designed and manufactured and includes sophisiticated electronics.

    If replacing a hard drive inevitably leads to the same malfunction then it's up to Humax to sort out the problem in their updates by correcting the software issues in the first place. I do not want to invest time and money doing their job for them. I have a file that I want to delete and I cannot and the message " cannot delete due to file restrictions' is Humax's creation so, they need to deal with it.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 9:26:18 #11 |
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    Just because something is out of guarantee does not negate the responsibility of a manufacturer against creating faulty goods that malfunction?
    You would need to contact the retailer, not the manufacturer. But it may not be worth the trouble. You would probably have to pay for an independent report to try to establish that the box was faulty (you'd get the cost back if you won). And the most you might receive would be a partial refund - how much would depend how long you've had the use of the box.


    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 10:03:51 #12 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    I have had two HDR FOX T2 boxes for a number of years (both have the Custom Firmware add on installed). I have never experienced this issue (hope that's not a prompt for anything to happen).

    It does make me wonder if it's repeatable by some user action, I do always press the stop key before finishing viewing a recording though.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 10:18:08 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hughmoz - 2 hours ago  » 
    I do not understand why anyone is saying that there is a work around as, when there is a bogus file restriction caused by a malfunction in the software you cannot delete some files regardless of following the: Play>Stop>Delete method above. It does not work in all situations.
    What I'd like to know is why Humax do not apply a software correction in their updates to resolve this? Just because something is out of guarantee does not negate the responsibility of a manufacturer against creating faulty goods that malfunction?

    I think the chances of Humax releasing a software update for an uncommon problem on an obsolete box are vanishingly small. If you want to actually resolve the problem then install the custom firmware and run fix-disk to ensure the file system is in a sensible state; if still unable to delete the file through the user interface then attempt to delete it from the web interface of the custom firmware; if that fails then delete it from the command line of the custom firmware.

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 11:34:35 #14 |
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    How do you install the custom firmware please?

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 17:38:01 #15 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Hughmoz - 16 minutes ago  » 
    How do you install the custom firmware please?

    | Wed 13 Jan 2016 17:54:25 #16 |

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