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Recordings playing up in 9200T

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    Posts: 2


    My fairly ancient 9200T has recently been putting the wrong titles to recordings and with some recordings duplicated them two or three times.

    A conversation with Humax tech dept suggested that I manually retune the box which i have done with some success but it's playing up again.

    Someone has suggested that it might be the hard drive at fault. Grateful for any suggestions. Is it difficult to replace the hard drive if that is the problem?

    | Fri 20 Sep 2013 18:44:35 #1 |
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    Have a look at this post.

    | Fri 20 Sep 2013 19:28:26 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    johnwest44 - 1 hour ago  » 
    My fairly ancient 9200T has recently been putting the wrong titles to recordings and with some recordings duplicated them two or three times.
    A conversation with Humax tech dept suggested that I manually retune the box which i have done with some success but it's playing up again.

    I really am beginning to despair at the poor quality advice that Humax technical support are dishing out these days. This is a very well known problem as BMAX has indicated. The file system is corrupt. The only fix is to watch any important recordings and then format the drive from the HDD Control menu item in the Record menu. If you do nothing then the next step will be that all recordings will be lost but the free space not recovered.

    If the problem occurs again relatively quickly then it would suggest the hard drive is reaching the end of its life. Changing the hard drive is straightforward; finding a suitable one is difficult as they haven't been manufactured for several years. Good luck.

    | Fri 20 Sep 2013 20:07:40 #3 |

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