My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HB 1000S, 1100S


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    new member
    Joined: Feb '17
    Posts: 1


    I tried to record on my Humax 1000 only to be told to format the stick first. Then I need to change tje PIN but I never set a pin. Why cannot it be straight forward? So how do I reset my pin please?

    | Tue 21 Feb 2017 11:50:01 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 597


    Default pin is normally '0000'
    usb sticks are not suitable for recording to, although fine for playing back from if content already copied to it.
    portable 2.5" usb2.0 drives are ideal, 500GB used to cost around £30.
    Welcome to the forum

    | Tue 21 Feb 2017 12:12:03 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Welcome to our Forum

    Default pin is 0000 (4 zeros)

    If that does not work you can reset via hidden menu see this FAQ

    Also see This FAQ as to what HDD worked for me.

    Edit: Damian beat me to it.

    | Tue 21 Feb 2017 12:13:51 #3 |

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