My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Red and Blue LEDs

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    soljd19 - 4 hours ago  » 
    Was this box designed by someone straight out of design college? "I know, lets use a minimalist design with a single LED with 'blue' for on and 'two almost indistinguishable lumens of red' for Off and Recording."
    I wouldn't mind if this was a budget box but at this price it should have a display to show what it's up to.

    If it was then it was the same bod who designed the 2000T too as that uses the same confusing colours.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2016 21:43:41 #11 |
  2. Chris...K


    Joined: Mar '16
    Posts: 12


    I read somewhere that it's just bugged
    Why would they use same colour led to indicate off and on/recording?

    This is exacerbated because it takes so long to come out of standby you can't tell whether you've actually switched it on?

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 6:04:29 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    How long does your unit take to come out of standby should be around 16 seconds which is very fast compared to other humax kit.

    | Wed 6 Apr 2016 7:57:31 #13 |
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    I switch the box on, blue led light shows then it goes off and the red led light shows yet can still watch tv.......... not confused much!

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 9:53:12 #14 |
  5. Barry


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    Probably wasting my time responding as you state in another thread you are returning product but.....

    Did a scheduled timer start whilst you were watching?

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 11:12:01 #15 |

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