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Red and Blue LEDs

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    I understand the RED LED indicates it is in standby and BLUE LED is operation mode?
    On many occasions our FVP-4000T is unpredictable in which state it is in, in relation to the LED.
    Sometimes I have to unplug it from the mains to make it work and other times it works perfectly.
    At this time the RED LED is on but the unit is working so my wife would like to know how can it be in standby mode if she is watching the picture?

    | Mon 28 Mar 2016 19:21:22 #1 |
  2. brian


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    It obviously isn't in standby mode, and the Red LED also indicates that the box is recording.

    | Mon 28 Mar 2016 19:30:15 #2 |
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    brian - 1 day ago  » 
    It obviously isn't in standby mode, and the Red LED also indicates that the box is recording.

    I am unsure of how you come to this conclusion.
    The red LED is on in standby and remains on when recording, I cannot tell when my unit is recording or not unless I switch it on and look. So the Blue LED indicates unit is on and the Red LED indicates any other state but not necessarily recording.
    Slow Red or Blue flash would be OK for recording if possible in an update unless that indicates a fault state.

    | Wed 30 Mar 2016 11:46:39 #3 |
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    There are two reds though, dull red when in standby and a subtle change in the red shift when recording, blue is on. Why Humax could not have used a different more distinct colour for recording is a mystery up there with how will the universe end.

    | Wed 30 Mar 2016 15:29:47 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Faust - 31 minutes ago  » 
    There are two reds though, dull red when in standby and a subtle change in the red shift when recording, blue is on. Why Humax could not have used a different more distinct colour for recording is a mystery .

    Particularly as there is a purple colour available that is only used during a software update.

    | Wed 30 Mar 2016 16:02:11 #5 |
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    Why Humax could not have used a different more distinct colour for recording is a mystery up there with how will the universe end.

    Not so. We know how the universe will end - it will expand so much that the spasce between stars and galaxies will increase beyond limit.
    No one knows why Humax chose the red - red - blue combination - that is a real mystery!

    | Sat 2 Apr 2016 9:49:08 #6 |
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    JohnH77 - 1 hour ago  » 

    Why Humax could not have used a different more distinct colour for recording is a mystery up there with how will the universe end.

    Not so. We know how the universe will end - it will expand so much that the spasce between stars and galaxies will increase beyond limit.
    No one knows why Humax chose the red - red - blue combination - that is a real mystery!

    You have obviously missed two very good programmes on this very subject in the past week - Horizon being one. It has been acknowledged that we now know a lot less about the universe than we first though especially surrounding the subject of 'Dark Matter'. Because of this 'strange material' (no one actually knows just what it is) the whole theory is back on the drawing board and up for grabs.

    This episode is on iPlayer and definitely worth a watch.

    BTW it's red, brighter red, blue, purplish for updates.

    | Sat 2 Apr 2016 10:55:32 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Two comments re the LED colours:

    1. Purple is not used (currently) on this model.

    (Updating via usb has been made considerably easier, I'll draft an FAQ later) FAQ now published.

    2. There is an off state. During the T-20 minutes or so before a scheduled timer the led goes off completely, or so it would seem on my 2 units ymmv.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2016 8:36:05 #8 |
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    I too have seen my Humax in standby with no light showing.

    I thought it must have failed or been powerewd off, but it was in standby and came on as usual.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2016 13:14:05 #9 |
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    Was this box designed by someone straight out of design college? "I know, lets use a minimalist design with a single LED with 'blue' for on and 'two almost indistinguishable lumens of red' for Off and Recording."

    I wouldn't mind if this was a budget box but at this price it should have a display to show what it's up to.

    | Mon 4 Apr 2016 17:39:42 #10 |

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