My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Red LED for Standby Recording

(17 posts)
  1. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    I understand that in an earlier version of HDR FOX T2 software the Red (Recording) LED was on for both record from ‘On’ and record from standby, Where as now ‘Red’ won’t be shown for record from standby. Does anyone know why this was changed and can we pursued Humax to put it back as it was?

    | Wed 14 Sep 2011 10:28:51 #1 |
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    Owen Smith

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    That would be great if we could get this behaviour back. It is very inconvenient not knowing if the HDR Fox T2 is recording when in standby, most other STBs give an indication of this. It matters if you want to play with the aerial chain, or switch power off, or want to wait until the recording has finished to avoid risking HDMI sync problems.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 0:20:12 #2 |
  3. brian


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    You can tell when the box is recording in standby, the "REC" symbol on the front panel will be on.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 6:35:20 #3 |
  4. Lillie


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    Posts: 15


    Problem with the rec "REC" symbol on the front panel is that the front panel is so dull unless you right up to it you cannot see anything at all, not even the clock, when the unit is in standby. I'm with Owen, it would be great if the red (Recording) LED was on for both record from ‘On’ and record from standby.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 10:54:54 #4 |
  5. brian


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    The problem as I recall it, with the illuminated ring around the power button showing red when recording in standby, was that it was very hard to tell whether it was orange or red, unless you actually saw it change. If another colour could be used for standby it would be much clearer.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 11:05:35 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    I don't subscribe to the notion that it was hard to determine between the Orange/Red LED I certainly had no problems.

    The original design spec called for the LED to be Orange (actually the colour is recorded as Amber in the spec) in standby no matter what state, active, recording, etc, and this is why it was changed.

    The chances of getting it changed are slim to nought.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 12:35:20 #6 |
  7. Wallace


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    Not much use really, but I have removed the orange filter that is attached to the front of the VFD display. I had to take the Hummy apart to do it, thus invalidating the warranty. I was upgrading the HDD from 500GB to 1TB at the time.

    It make the whole display much easier to read/see and as a bonus for me, the display is green so it matches with all my other AV equipment.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 13:52:27 #7 |
  8. gomezz


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    Which contrasts (sic) with the far too bright red light and blue display on my Foxsat HDR which I have muted by putting a blue plastic filter (cut from a slip folder) behind the front panel flap.

    | Sun 18 Sep 2011 16:22:00 #8 |
  9. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    As stated above there is a 'REC' display on the front panel But it is very small see PHOTO HERE , Note the size compared to the 'T'. Barry am I correct in saying that it was Bright RED for record from standby, But it was changed to comply with the original spec.?

    | Mon 19 Sep 2011 23:34:31 #9 |
  10. brian


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    The ring around the power button was "Dim" Red when recording from standby.

    | Tue 20 Sep 2011 8:47:53 #10 |

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