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Registering with

(4 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Recently there have been a few registration applications with problems, so a few pointers:

    Note: All registration requests are vetted by one of our Admins before approval.

    1. As per the registration page please DO NOT use your email address as a username, whilst this has historically been sorted by an admin, which is time consuming, in future applications of this nature will be rejected.

    2. Check the email address you provide carefully, this is needed to supply login and password details to you and if incorrect our email will 'bounce'

    3. I am astonished I have to mention this but:

    Inappropriate usernames.

    I would have thought common sense would have prevailed here, but apparently not. Recently we have received applications with usernames that contain expletives, names of notorius individuals etc - these are rejected.

    | Wed 3 Jan 2018 8:49:27 #1 |
  2. Admin


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 129


    Bumped as a reminder - applications still being received with email address as username, these are rejected.

    | Sun 19 Jan 2020 10:40:27 #2 |
  3. Admin


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 129


    Despite sticky still receiving registration requests with email as username

    | Sat 11 Apr 2020 7:29:00 #3 |
  4. Admin


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 129


    In addition, as has happened a lot lately...

    If you try and register 2 usernames within minutes of each other, after checking details, admins will approve the first received and reject the

    | Sun 24 May 2020 10:22:48 #4 |

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