My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

remote channel change

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    senior member
    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 84


    I was removing lots of recordings as my FVP 4000 H/D was full and in the course of many button presses to delete various recordings the remote suddenly stopped working, as I have a second 4000 in my bedroom I tried that remote and it did not work either, so it is obviously the unit itself that has a fault. I just wondered if you can change the remote channel number as you can on previous models which gave you 6 channels on the remote, it does not work on mine (holding down OK and zero), but I suppose it won't if the I/R receiver on the machine is faulty.
    Anyone any advice on how to get out of this, the machine is effectively useless without the remote, can the I/R receiver on the machine be replaced?

    | Thu 18 Feb 2021 7:55:39 #1 |
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    The usual first port of call when something odd like this happens is to disconnect from the mains for a few seconds then reconnect and wait for the box to reboot.

    | Thu 18 Feb 2021 10:13:04 #2 |
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    senior member
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    Posts: 84


    Thanks for the reply, but unplugging is a no go, as I left it unplugged all last night and it has made no difference. I am going to open the box shortly and will look at the receiver If I was sure it was the I/R receiver I would be tempted to take one from an old DTR1010 and see if I could solder it in to the 4000, but it is probably more likely to be another component that has blown., will keep trying though and not jump on it yet,
    Thanks again, Boyd

    | Thu 18 Feb 2021 12:04:32 #3 |

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