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Remote control buttons in toggle mode

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    Joined: Mar '13
    Posts: 1


    I'm pretty sure this happened by unknown button presses
    When you push and let go the P up button the channels start changing upwards at a rate off more than 1 a second until you push the p up or p down button.
    The same is happening with the volume buttons and the arrow buttons round OK
    At first I thought it was the remote batteries but I removed them while the programs were changing and they just kept on changing I had to put them back in and press the p button to stop them
    The number buttons appear unaffected
    I've tried powering down and restarting but to no avail
    Does anyone know of a solution or have any suggestions

    | Sun 10 Mar 2013 23:56:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Clandy - 23 minutes ago  » 
    When you push and let go the P up button the channels start changing upwards at a rate off more than 1 a second until you push the p up or p down button.

    I believe there are two common causes for the problem: the easy one is that there is another remote in the room with a key stuck down eg under a book or a source of interference such as a fluorescent light; the difficult problem is that the infra red receiver in the Humax has become faulty and there have been a few reports of this which involved replacement under warranty. Let us know what happens.

    | Mon 11 Mar 2013 0:22:51 #2 |

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