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Remote control has stopped working - unit failing to respond

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    It's a PVR9200T - was working fine till this morning: the remote doesn't work and neither does the unit. I've tried everything that I've found here:
    1. resetting the remote
    2. taking out the aerial etc.

    I can switch it one using the main switch at the back. It goes straight to the last channel watched but the picture doesn't appear. If I press the remote whilst it's loading, it goes to the Menu screen but then stops working.

    Any ideas would be great, thanks

    | Sat 26 May 2012 13:12:58 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Clarke - 2 hours ago  » 
    It's a PVR9200T - was working fine till this morning: the remote doesn't work and neither does the unit. I've tried everything that I've found here:
    1. resetting the remote
    2. taking out the aerial etc.

    So when you start it up with the aerial removed are you unable to get to the Menu to do a reset to default settings?

    | Sat 26 May 2012 15:38:50 #2 |
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    Hi, thanks for replying. I can get to the Menu, if I press the button on the remote whilst the humax is loading. Once I get to Menu, the remote won't respond anymore and neither do the front buttons work. It doesn't seem to make a difference if the aerial is in or out.
    Sometimes a frozen picture comes up on the screen but there is no digital display at all. Does it sound completely broken?

    | Sat 26 May 2012 20:21:18 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    It is an unusual fault. I would try opening the box and disconnecting the hard drive and see if it will boot then. If it does then I would try formatting the disk in a PC. If it still doesn't boot with no hard drive attached then I don't have any other ideas.

    | Sat 26 May 2012 20:44:21 #4 |
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    Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not very technical so apologies but how do I do all that?!

    | Sat 26 May 2012 20:50:18 #5 |
  6. aldaweb


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    Clarke - 1 day ago  » 
    Thanks for the suggestion, I'm not very technical so apologies but how do I do all that?!

    1. First Turn off and disconnect from the mains. (and optionally also from TV)
    2. Undo the 5 screws holding the lid in place, 3 on the back, one on each side.
    3. Remove the lid
    4. Wait for at least one minute from the time the power was removed. (this is to allow any residual power to dissipate)
    5. The hard drive is positioned on the left near the front. Gently prise the ribbon cable away from the drive being careful not to pull it out of the plug.
    6. Reconnect to the power (and if needed to the TV)
    7. Power on the unit and see if it boots.
    8. If it has booted test both tuners using PIP from different MUXes eg BBC1 &ITV1. If you then want to remove the drive to format it the see this video (link) about replacing the clock module as it shows drive removal first. This is at your own risk.
      If it doesn't boot with the hard drive removed the problem could be in a number of places and probably better left to a service centre.

    | Mon 28 May 2012 20:06:22 #6 |

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