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Remote crashing issue

(5 posts)
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    Joined: Mar '21
    Posts: 10


    Finally took the plunge and have swapped out my 8 year old HDR Fox T2 for an Aura earlier this week.

    Overall very happy with the decision but I have encountered one glitch that keeps happening.

    When in the FreeviewPlay menu (usually on, or just after entering the menu) my remote stops working (in that the Aura completely stops responding to it).

    Taking the batteries out of the remote and putting them back in immediately fixes the issue and the menu then responds normally.

    (The remote still controls the TV when not controlling the Aura box so is not completely dead).

    Is this a known issue and can anyone suggest a fix?



    ps - is there a 'known issues thread anywhere? I couldn't find one...)

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 8:05:59 #1 |
  2. Mars


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    There was an update for the remote at some point. What is the software version of the remote?

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 8:41:40 #2 |
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    Just went to check and tbh couldn't find the version number of the remote firmware - just the box itself. The remote firmware did update however as part fo the initial box set-up.

    Have done a full reset of the remote (followed the FAQ) and re-paired it with the box and so far the issue has not recurred.

    If it does I may contact Humax as I am getting the impression that this is not a general issue...


    There was an update for the remote at some point. What is the software version of the remote?

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 13:51:42 #3 |
  4. Mars


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    Posts: 379


    Mattsan1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Just went to check and tbh couldn't find the version number of the remote firmware - just the box itself. The remote firmware did update however as part fo the initial box set-up.
    Have done a full reset of the remote (followed the FAQ) and re-paired it with the box and so far the issue has not recurred.
    If it does I may contact Humax as I am getting the impression that this is not a general issue...

    There was an update for the remote at some point. What is the software version of the remote?

    You can update the remote and check the version in Freeview Play Preferences under Settings. The latest version of the remote software is V0007.

    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 16:03:50 #4 |
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    | Fri 26 Mar 2021 18:02:54 #5 |

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