My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Remote Range??

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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 1


    Hi hoping someone can help.

    I purchased the Humax hdr 2000t from argos a week or so ago. But the remote range appears to be awful. Unless i am about a metre away it barely works. From further it will work occasionally(and i mean occasionally).

    I've read a few people saying similar about other Humax models and they say to check all the plastic wrapping has been taken off. I've checked mine and it doesn't appear to have anything covering the front panel so don't think it can be that?! Can;t seem to find anyone else saying similar about the 2000t.

    Anyone have any suggestions?


    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 16:30:32 #1 |
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    special member
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    It could be the remote or the HDR-2000T itself.

    Using the display of a digital camera try viewing the remote’s emitter head on while pressing the remote’s OK button. It should show up fairly easily and show up as a bright spot.

    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 21:58:55 #2 |
  3. Biggles


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    Posts: 621


    A peculiarity of the Humax remote control system that I've noted on my machines is that the machine has to be able to receive the remote signal before a button is pressed otherwise the machine won't respond. In other words if you're in the habit of pressing a button on the remote while it is pointing at the carpet for example and then pointing the remote at the machine then the machine won't respond. This may not apply to the 2000, I don't have one so can't check.

    Blaming the plastic protective film on the front of machines has become an urban myth, my friend's 9300 still has the film in place, as has one of my machines, and the remotes work perfectly.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2014 10:01:37 #3 |

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