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Replacing HDR FOX T2

(11 posts)
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    Luke - 13 hours ago  » 

    Barry - 17 minutes ago  » 
    2000T - Different remote, but you can use the original HDR T2 if preferred.

    I did that the other week. As expected I gained the WIDE button for use on the 2000T plus the abilty to select 'source' on my TV. What I found was that I lost the ability to pause. I was expecting the play button on the RM-F04 to be the same as the RM-I09U but it isn't at least not when using iPlayer.

    I've just used iPlayer on the 2000T again and the 2000T iPlayer has been changed to iPlayer version 4. The play button on the HDR-FOX T2's remote does allow iPlayer to be paused.

    | Tue 2 Sep 2014 7:20:14 #11 |

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