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Replay / Live TV rewind not working

(6 posts)
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    Our humax 9150T has been trouble free to date but we no longer seem to be able to use the live TV functions - replay / rewinding on the channel the TV has been buffering. We tried deleting a load of archived stuff we'd prerecorded to free up HD space. And the classic switch on / switch off. Still not working. ANny ideas anyone?

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 18:52:01 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Welcome to the Forum

    Would appear that the buffer part of the HDD has become corrupted. Easiest fix is to re format HDD after you have watched all your recordings.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 20:24:10 #2 |
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    Oh thanks Barry. IS reformatting straightforward? If we delete everything we've saved (there's nothing that important) is it an easy fix?

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 20:54:51 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    upnorthkid - 16 minutes ago  » 
    IS reformatting straightforward? If we delete everything we've saved (there's nothing that important) is it an easy fix?

    No need to delete things. To format just go the HDD control menu and select format (Default password is 0000). The actual format takes about two seconds.

    | Mon 27 Aug 2012 21:13:10 #4 |
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    I have the same issue - I'd be interested to hear if formating the HDD fixed the problem.

    | Mon 8 Oct 2012 23:01:41 #5 |
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    yes and me. If I try to rewind and rewatch something, it jumps back by about half an hour (varies though). Then if you start watching when it gets back to the part where you hit the 'rewind', it jumps forward to 'live' tv again. Doesn't always do this but often enough to make it annoying.

    | Wed 26 Dec 2012 11:28:53 #6 |

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