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Resume not working

(14 posts)
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    My 1000s is only a couple of days old, so I am still getting used to it.

    I have one recording (Jools' Hootenanny on BBC HD) that I am watching in several parts. Each time I go back into it and choose 'Resume', it plays from the start of the recording.

    I have checked a few other random recordings and they all seem to resume fine. I assume the Resume function is dependent on the PVR 'marking' the recording at the 'Last Watched' point and that it has failed to do this on this one recording for some reason.

    Is this a known problem?

    | Thu 3 Jan 2013 12:25:42 #1 |
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    It's a known problem I think, since the last/recent software update. I've noticed it myself on many programmes - assume it's more the playback than anything to do with when it recorded though?

    I was watching the 100 Xmas Toys with Jonathan Ross over Xmas - >3 hrs! I nearly gave up given the number of times I had to skip 2 mins at a time through to >2hr point. Very irritating, esp. given it wasn't a problem before. Used to skip using the 2 min skip by just holding that button down. But not no more...

    | Thu 3 Jan 2013 15:43:05 #2 |
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    I had put a 'Keep' on the programme. Once I took this off, the Resume now works as expected.

    I haven't tried this with some other files/recordings, but will when I get time.

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 11:43:02 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    DevonLad - 26 minutes ago  » 
    I had put a 'Keep' on the programme. Once I took this off, the Resume now works as expected.
    I haven't tried this with some other files/recordings, but will when I get time.

    That's a great spot, keep must somehow stop the creation of the file that stores where you got to.

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 12:10:11 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Resume works on my 'kept' recordings

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 12:30:53 #5 |
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    I nearly gave up given the number of times I had to skip 2 mins at a time through to >2hr point. Very irritating, esp. given it wasn't a problem before. Used to skip using the 2 min skip by just holding that button down. But not no more...

    If you hold left or right down on the big circular button you can scrub through a recording very quickly.

    I find this useful when it occasionally resets back to the beginning of a recording whilst skipping forward a minute at a time to avoid adverts etc. Has anyone else suffered from this reset to the start problem?

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 17:28:48 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    grogmeister - 43 minutes ago  » 
    [quote] Has anyone else suffered from this reset to the start problem?

    Yes after a similar post and experimenting, if you press the forward skip key too quickly more than once, doesn't happen if you wait to see where the first push gets you to. Don't remember this as an issue on 1.0.6.

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 18:15:22 #7 |
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    OK thanks Graham, I'll try slowing the old thumb down a bit

    | Fri 4 Jan 2013 19:02:05 #8 |
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    My recordings only resume when they feel like it, it has nothing to do with 'kept' recordings or being near the end.

    Some times it works sometimes it doesn't. I see others have the same problem on the Freesat FreeTime Forum.  

    | Sun 6 Jan 2013 14:08:22 #9 |
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    Thanks for the tip about the circular button. Will try that out, along with the 'keep' option!

    | Mon 7 Jan 2013 14:26:58 #10 |

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