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Retrieving multiple episodes

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    I am new to Humax, so am still finding my way around the 5000T. It has now become fashionable for some broadcasters to show several episodes of a series in one batch. I have recorded the series, but on the RECORDINGS page, although the number of episodes is indicated, only the last one in the series is explicitly labelled. How do I access the earlier episodes? The date cannot be used to distinguish since they were all transmitted on the same day! If I watch the final episode and then delete it, the previous episode then shows.

    | Tue 30 Mar 2021 19:09:59 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    torricelli - 16 mins ago  » 
    I am new to Humax, so am still finding my way around the 5000T. It has now become fashionable for some broadcasters to show several episodes of a series in one batch. I have recorded the series, but on the RECORDINGS page, although the number of episodes is indicated, only the last one in the series is explicitly labelled. How do I access the earlier episodes? The date cannot be used to distinguish since they were all transmitted on the same day! If I watch the final episode and then delete it, the previous episode then shows.

    | Tue 30 Mar 2021 19:30:55 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    grahamlthompson - 3 mins ago  » 

    torricelli - 16 mins ago  » 
    I am new to Humax, so am still finding my way around the 5000T. It has now become fashionable for some broadcasters to show several episodes of a series in one batch. I have recorded the series, but on the RECORDINGS page, although the number of episodes is indicated, only the last one in the series is explicitly labelled. How do I access the earlier episodes? The date cannot be used to distinguish since they were all transmitted on the same day! If I watch the final episode and then delete it, the previous episode then shows.

    New one on me. Clearly the order should be sorted first by series CRID and then episode number. Something Freesat never got right on the G2 boxes.

    Perhaps the broadcaster screwed up the CRIDS. In this case the date, time of the start of the recording would have been the best sort order.

    | Tue 30 Mar 2021 19:37:37 #3 |
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    If I have understood the question correctly then if, for example, you recorded three episodes on 30-3, when you select the entry in the main recordings list (which is marked by "3 programmes"), on the left side of the new page you should see three occurrences of "30 MAR".

    The highlight always (for some odd reason) falls onto the bottom one which is the latest and shows the details for that episode on the right. If you then move the cursor left (away from the play button) and then up to the top one and press OK, it should then show the details for the first one. Move right and you can select it to play.

    Does that help?

    | Tue 30 Mar 2021 21:26:33 #4 |
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    Many thanks, A1944. To the best of my recollection (because they are now deleted) there was only one date shown in the left-hand column. I have tried to replicate the issue, but new recordings do now have multiple showings of the same date in the left-hand column, as you suggested. I have not yet been able to repeat the experiment using the same channel as originally, but I will try in due course.

    | Thu 1 Apr 2021 14:08:23 #5 |
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    I have seen instances of not all episodes within the next 7 days in a series showing but, as far as I can recall, only with episodes not yet recorded. They usually show as scheduled in the guide though.

    | Fri 2 Apr 2021 7:01:59 #6 |

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