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rewind only up to 32x also no slow motion

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    as in the heading, rewind only operates up to 32 x speed, and slowmo doesn't work at all. any ideas ?

    | Wed 9 Jul 2014 21:13:52 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    petebryn - 1 hour ago  » 
    as in the heading, rewind only operates up to 32 x speed, and slowmo doesn't work at all. any ideas ?

    Give us a clue; which Humax box do you have?

    | Wed 9 Jul 2014 22:55:49 #2 |


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    Martin Liddle - 7 hours ago  » 

    petebryn - 1 hour ago  » 
    as in the heading, rewind only operates up to 32 x speed, and slowmo doesn't work at all. any ideas ?

    Give us a clue; which Humax box do you have?

    At a guess a HDR-10x0S.
    I remember that 64X is not possible to implement and is classed as a documentation error. Don't remember about slowmo.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 6:02:38 #3 |
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    hi - hdr 1000s - can you pls explain a bit more. are you saying the 64x rewind/fast forward isn't available on this model ? I had a foxsat before, and assumed it would be the same, also the owners manual says 64x - is this what you mean by doc error ? Slowmo jus doesn't happen. I've done factory reset etc, but still no go.
    One other query - Ive come across the 'nowster patch' dated Nov 27 2012, which seems to enable removal of code to prevent download and copy to cd/dvd of hd programmes/films. Have i understood this right ? can you tell me if this works and is this patch the latest version ? - thanks for input.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 7:03:48 #4 |
  5. -gonzo-


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    The HDR1000/1010s has no Slow-mo, for some reason the manual says it's a feature when it isn't.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 7:12:17 #5 |


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    Yes 64X is an error in the documentation - the PVR chipset does not support it. I don't remember if slow motion was the same or not.

    The patch you refer to is for the Foxsat HDR not for this unit.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 7:12:22 #6 |
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    many thanks for replies - so there isn't any known way to bypass restrictions on turning viewed fims etc into cd/dvd's on the HDR 1000S ?

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 7:17:34 #7 |
  8. -gonzo-


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    petebryn - 59 minutes ago  » 
    many thanks for replies - so there isn't any known way to bypass restrictions on turning viewed fims etc into cd/dvd's on the HDR 1000S ?

    The only way is to connect to a DVD recorder via scart and record on the fly.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 8:18:35 #8 |
  9. grahamlthompson


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    A laptop with a usb capture device or a PC with a firewire port and a DV converter (Canopus make a few models) will do the same job (digitise the content, in this case the output files are intraframe compressed so have data for every frame)

    A DV camera with AV in will do the same job.

    | Thu 10 Jul 2014 9:06:38 #9 |

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