My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Saved scheduled recordings are being cleared

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    I have a PVR 9300T which I am very happy with except for an issue that appears to have just started

    Recently when I schedule some recordings as a series and then turn off the box and turn back on the following day I've noticed the scheduled recordings have been cancelled resulting in the recordings not going ahead

    Does anyone know why this has just started and if there is a setting I may have changed to cause this

    Many thanks


    | Sun 22 Mar 2015 23:29:11 #1 |
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    Are all of your scheduled recordings being wiped? are any other settings getting lost? As I'm having this problem too - see my post below yours.

    basically all my settings go back to default - including favourite channel lists being wiped, volume reverting to the middle setting (i have it at the top as i use my amp to change volume) and the TV ratio going to 4:3 instead of 16:9. it's very annoying.

    | Tue 24 Mar 2015 11:22:53 #2 |
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    I've not noticed my settings going back to default. The recording schedule seems to be the only thing I have an issue with where I set the unit to record something as a series or once. If the unit is turned off it sometimes wipes the scheduled recording and so we don't get the program recorded and only notice when I come to watch the program

    I do sometimes have issues with the unit not responding straight away to the remote or the guide but I have learnt to cope with this but possibly related

    | Tue 24 Mar 2015 21:13:07 #3 |
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    I have exactly the same problem - when i switch the PVR 9300T back on, all my schedule is wiped out.
    Very strange that this problem should only occur from last Thursday 26th March 2015.
    I telephoned Humax who suggested that i make sure that the Autro update is OFF - although i dont have this setting, i imagine he meant DISABLE.
    This i did, but still have this problem.

    I also noticed that the clock did not automatically go an hour forward when the clocks changed. Usually it changes automatically.
    I dont know if this is a clue to my problem.

    Please, please, can anyone help?

    | Sun 29 Mar 2015 12:52:41 #4 |
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    I have now been in touch with Humax again - and been told that it is a fault and will cost me £90 to get it fixed.
    I have had the machine for 4 years but would have thought i would have got a longer life out of it.

    TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE - I tried to speak to a manager, but was told there was no one to speak to. I wont be buying anothe Humax again.

    It sems strange though, taht someone else has had the same problem, within the last few weeks.?


    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 12:47:33 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tovish - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I have now been in touch with Humax again - and been told that it is a fault and will cost me £90 to get it fixed.
    It sems strange though, taht someone else has had the same problem, within the last few weeks.?

    It is a well known problem that is reported from time to time and only seems to affect the 9150/9300 models; unfortunately I don't think anyone has found a reliable solution. Sometimes the problem will go away for some people fo a long time.

    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 13:10:39 #6 |
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    tovish - 22 minutes ago  » 
    I have now been in touch with Humax again - and been told that it is a fault and will cost me £90 to get it fixed.

    Did humax tell you what the problem was or just that £90 would fix it?
    When you switch it off is that to standby or powering off at mains?
    If at mains, leave it in standby.
    If standby, leave it on and if that helps work out whether the extra £10 - £15 electricity costs are justified.

    Let us know what does or doesn't work for you.

    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 13:17:32 #7 |
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    Humax did not tell me the problem, but said they could repair it for £90

    I put the machine in STANDby when not in use - Not Off from the mains - Sorry for the confusion.

    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 13:49:59 #8 |
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    tovish - 12 minutes ago  » 
    Humax did not tell me the problem, but said they could repair it for £90
    I put the machine in STANDby when not in use - Not Off from the mains - Sorry for the confusion.

    thanks for the reply, no confusion... we all operate these things differently.
    I'm assuming it's a problem around the power supply, either the power pcb or the main pcb. If it were mine, I'd try leaving it switched on all the time, i.e. no power/eco saving and see if that helps. You could also try a factory/default reset without format, although I don't think that would achieve much apart from ruling it out. Let us know how you get on.

    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 14:11:49 #9 |
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    Thanks for your comments - Much appreciated.
    I do have the machine switched on all the time - but on standby - so you always see the clock on the Humax box itself. Is that what you mean by on all the time?
    I will try your other suggestions of a default reset.

    If this does not work, i suppose i need to buy a new one. BUT I wont buy a Humax due to the poor customer service over this matter.
    What other makes are on the market - What do you suggest?
    I am old fashioned and dont have sky or any pay channels - just pay my licence and have the channels on the ordinary TV.

    | Mon 30 Mar 2015 15:43:30 #10 |

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