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Saving HD recordings to enable play back via USB

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    Joined: Nov '13
    Posts: 21


    Hi all,
    I now have a 3TB Toshiba Stor.e canvio USB3 compatible with USB2.
    The USB cable is a new one to me; USB 3.0 Micro-B plug on the Toshiba drive end.

    First try...
    It came formatted with NTFS

    I reduced the NTFS to 1TB and created two extra partitions HIS and HERS both EXT3 using EaseUS partition manager.

    Humax,Raydon's web and Windows 7 explore (I presume with Samba) did not see any drives or partitions.

    Second try...
    Formated the TOSHIBA EXT NTFS partition to FAT32

    Humax,Raydon's web and Windows 7 explore (I presume with Samba) did not see any drives or partitions.

    Third try...
    Removed partitions HIS and HERS. Then formatted TOSHIBA EXT FAT32 partition to EXT3

    Humax,Raydon's web and Windows 7 explore (I presume with Samba) did not see any drives or partitions.

    In all the above test when plugging in the USB drive into the Humax on screen it says something to the effect that it cannot use the USB drive that I have plugged in and that I should format it to FAT32 or EXT3. That is what I have done!


    Any suggestions welcome

    | Fri 29 Nov 2013 12:17:06 #21 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Huntsman - 38 minutes ago  » 
    In all the above test when plugging in the USB drive into the Humax on screen it says something to the effect that it cannot use the USB drive that I have plugged in and that I should format it to FAT32 or EXT3. That is what I have done!

    What type of partition table is it using? I would be rather surprised if the FOXSAT could use a GPT partition style disk which I thought was used on disks larger than 2TB.

    | Fri 29 Nov 2013 12:58:22 #22 |
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    My current test (the third one) looking in Disk Management says Volumes/Disk5/Basic/Online/Master Boot Record (MBR) /capacity 2861587MB/unallocated space 1805001MB

    The partition is marked DarkBlue 1031.82 GB Healthy(Active,Primary partition) with two unallocated partitions that I deleted for the this test.

    EaseUS says the USB hard drive is EXT3
    Properties Partition type 83(hex)Ext3

    So I presume it is a MBR disk?

    | Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:00:34 #23 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Huntsman - 52 minutes ago  » 
    My current test (the third one) looking in Disk Management says Volumes/Disk5/Basic/Online/Master Boot Record (MBR) /capacity 2861587MB/unallocated space 1805001MB

    Well according to Link to Wikipedia the maximum size of an MBR partition table is 2TB. Sorry you have reached the limit of my knowledge.

    | Fri 29 Nov 2013 15:56:08 #24 |
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    Joined: Nov '13
    Posts: 21


    Hi all,
    I have sent the 3TB drive back since I failed to get it working with ext3.

    It had an odd habit of wanting to format the disk when first attached to a windows 7 64bit system.

    I will post my next attempt to understand how to get an external USB driver working using a "all in one HDD docking" station.

    Thanks to all who tried to help me.

    | Wed 4 Dec 2013 17:10:37 #25 |

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