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Says it has recorded in list but wont play

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    Had my pvr3000t for some years with perfect performance until now. It has had no error messages but just noticed today that it seems to be randomly going through the motions of recording single or series link programs so they appear in the list. When selected and OK is pressed, the little preview window flashes "exit" on a black screen and nothing plays. Intermixed are some that play properly. None of them are ones that have been recording two programs at once...... Any ideas?

    | Mon 4 Mar 2013 23:14:40 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    slash - 9 minutes ago  » 
    it seems to be randomly going through the motions of recording single or series link programs so they appear in the list. When selected and OK is pressed, the little preview window flashes "exit" on a black screen and nothing plays.

    I don't think the evidence is conclusive but the most likely explanation is the file system becoming corrupted. At the moment I wouldn't do anything about it but if you symptoms such as recordings appearing under the wrong name or the same program apparently being recorded several times then you can be confident the problem is the file system. The fix is to Format the disk from the HDD Control item in the Record menu. I would suggest watching any important recordings ASAP just to be on the safe side.

    | Mon 4 Mar 2013 23:28:39 #2 |
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    Thanks for the ultra prompt reply! I feared it might be something like that- I see from another post it is possible to copy off the files onto a pc. Is that the humaxrw program? I would hate to lose what I have on there. I record lots of programs then take it with me in the caravan for 4-5 months in europe. It has been brilliant the last two years.

    | Mon 4 Mar 2013 23:37:32 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    slash - 19 minutes ago  » 
    I see from another post it is possible to copy off the files onto a pc. Is that the humaxrw program?

    Yes humaxrw is the only way to do it. It is straightforward if you are used to command line programs. If not there is a GUI front end for it available.

    I would hate to lose what I have on there. I record lots of programs then take it with me in the caravan for 4-5 months in europe.

    I don't think your symptoms exactly match the classic signs of a corrupt file system but I can't think what else would explain your observations and all sorts of odd behaviour turns out to be due to file system corruption. If you can spare the time downloading everything from the Humax would give you a safety net.

    | Tue 5 Mar 2013 0:01:47 #4 |

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