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Scheduled Recording Stopped after 1 minute

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    My scheduled, series linked, recording of the Christine Keeler drama last night stopped after one minute with no obvious error message. Programmes before and after recorded OK. Disk is not full. Did anyone else experience this? Is there an obvious explanation? Recorder is FVP5000T. Is it possible that the BBC sent the end of episode signal early?

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 7:50:39 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    GrahamRHK - 2 hours ago  » 
    My scheduled, series linked, recording of the Christine Keeler drama last night stopped after one minute with no obvious error message. Programmes before and after recorded OK. Disk is not full. Did anyone else experience this? Is there an obvious explanation? Recorder is FVP5000T. Is it possible that the BBC sent the end of episode signal early?

    My recording worked correctly on an FVP5000T. You might want to say which transmitter you are tuned to in case it is a local problem.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 10:41:06 #2 |
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    Either wrong info for that particular episode or the machine had a recording conflict (or thought it had because of incorrect info for another program). Is my guess.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 10:41:56 #3 |
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    You might want to say which transmitter you are tuned to in case it is a local problem.

    Local Transmitter is Sandy.
    Either wrong info for that particular episode or the machine had a recording conflict (or thought it had because of incorrect info for another program).

    Could be any of those things I guess. But no other recording scheduled for that time.
    I have had this FVP5000T for about a year now and I don't recall this happening before - though I might have seen it on earlier HUMAX devices (FOX T2 and PVR9300). I guess it is conceivable that the Sandy transmitter had a blip that killed the signal briefly. I guess that would cause recording to stop. I think we were watching a different recording at the time so would not have noticed a loss of signal. Thanks for your ideas.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 14:11:20 #4 |

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