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Series link not picking up new series

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    When I previously had a Virgin box and set up a series link it would pick up a new series when it started. The Aura does not seem to do this so that where a programme has a break between one series and the next it loses the link which is frustrating and I often miss the beginning of the next series. Any ideas or solutions to this, or have I missed something?

    | Wed 21 Feb 2024 22:05:01 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Hissey - 2 hours ago  » 
    When I previously had a Virgin box and set up a series link it would pick up a new series when it started. The Aura does not seem to do this so that where a programme has a break between one series and the next it loses the link which is frustrating and I often miss the beginning of the next series. Any ideas or solutions to this, or have I missed something?

    I don't think the Aura has the ability to pick up a new series nor do any of the other Humax Freeview boxes.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2024 1:04:01 #2 |
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    I think it may be more complicated than that. With earlier Humaxes (2000T, 5000T) it seemed to depend on the broadcaster. Some series links worked across several series, others stopped at the end of each series - it depends on the broadcaster's use of the series CRID. I imagine the Aura is the same but I don't (yet) have the experience. Why there is a difference between a Virgin and Humax box I don't know. My guess would be the series being recorded are on different channels.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2024 7:51:57 #3 |
  4. Rodders53


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    This is all down to the broadcaster doing the correct thing and using the same SCRID (series content reference id) for each season as part of the Accurate Record system broadcast on satellite and terrestrial.

    They can get things right; but often do not.

    Virgin do things differently with something called Series Link + --- no doubt, in my mind, using metadata that is not broadcast on the DVB-S or DVB-T platforms.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2024 11:08:53 #4 |
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    I am pretty sure I didn't have to set up the new series of Gogglebox as I went to set it up and it was already there as I very rarely delete my old timers.

    Unless of course I set it up in my sleep

    | Thu 22 Feb 2024 11:19:49 #5 |
  6. davidrew


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    An additional note that the SCRID codes are only valid for 13 weeks after the last episode. After that the broadcaster can recycle them for something else. So if the new series starts after that it may have a new code anyway, if it has the same one it is likely to pick it up.

    To stop possible random recordings due to reused codes the Aura should automatically tidy-up and delete anything unused in the schedule older than 13 weeks, like the 5000T did, but mine has never done it so annoyingly I have to do it manually, otherwise I end up with pages and pages of 0 programmes listed at the end of the schedule.

    Another thing that causes problems with series link is if the channel moves frequency and/or channel number during the series.

    | Thu 22 Feb 2024 12:15:06 #6 |
  7. Geoff_W


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    I always delete the links when a series finishes just to keep the schedule tidy.

    Back in the good old days, I used to have a Topfield 5800 and with custom firmware it was possible to set up say, the phrase 'Doctor Who' and it would record all the episodes as and when they came along.

    | Fri 23 Feb 2024 13:19:03 #7 |

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