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Serious malfunction model PVR-9200-T

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    I have had many years reliable use from my PVR-9200-T but recently there have been serious problems. These range from total no response to the remote menu command, to slow and laborious responses when the menu command suceeds. The only way to solve this problem is to switch the power off and turn it back on again. The unit will then operate successfully for a while until it slows down (response wise) and then jams up altogether. This seems to have coincided with the date of the change over to digital transmissions in our area but this may have notheing to do with it. Can anyone help?

    | Tue 3 May 2011 14:44:56 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    1. Welcome to the Forum

    2. I have moved this thread from the FAQ section.

    3. What software version do you currently have uploaded.

    | Tue 3 May 2011 14:53:31 #2 |
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    The software version is as follows. I have had a number of communications from Humax support which I also show here. My problem about loading it is that whenever I try auto load or Manual load of software, no new software is found. I am also doubtful that the load will happen automatically over the air because as far as I know, this has never happened in the life of the unit.


    David Johnson

    PGXTF 1.00.21

    Dear Sir
    The latest software ends in .23 we can update this over the air or via a pc this is why your box could have slight problems.
    Best regards,
    Humax Customer Support

    Dear Sir
    If over the air this will be in the future the box will be in standby and it should hopefully pick up the software alternatively go to
    Best regards,
    Humax Customer Support

    | Thu 5 May 2011 10:25:09 #3 |
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    In addition to my last post, I would add that I have always had slight problems with my PVR-9200T in so far as it has always had a tendancy to "freeze" and not allow any commands to communicate from the remote. The only way to overcome this I have found is to Power off then power on again. Sometimes this has the effect of producing duplicate recordings of something already recorded. Never has it deleted anything because of this.

    Regards, David Johnson

    | Thu 5 May 2011 10:29:33 #4 |
  5. FenderBender


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    An update to v1.00.23 is the way forward. This version includes the EPG buffer, which means the EPG is 'remembered' on switch off. Populating the EPG is the cause of slow-downs on the 9200T.

    I'm not sure if or when the next OTA will be. The only other way to update is to use the serial interface and the WinOak software.

    | Thu 5 May 2011 10:48:31 #5 |
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    Not being ultra literate in these matters, can you explain to me please the process for "use the serial interface and the WinOak software"


    David Johnson

    | Thu 5 May 2011 12:02:29 #6 |
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    seagull76 - 1 hour ago  » 
    In addition to my last post, I would add that I have always had slight problems with my PVR-9200T in so far as it has always had a tendancy to "freeze" and not allow any commands to communicate from the remote. The only way to overcome this I have found is to Power off then power on again. Sometimes this has the effect of producing duplicate recordings of something already recorded. Never has it deleted anything because of this.
    Regards, David Johnson

    You can check when the download is being transmitted by keeping an eye on
    You can then either automatically or manually update using the instructions in the manual page GB61 Section 11, available from if you do not have one.
    Version 23 should fix your problems.

    Good luck

    | Thu 5 May 2011 12:06:18 #7 |
  8. Biggles


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    seagull76 - 1 hour ago  » 
    The software version is as follows. I have had a number of communications from Humax support which I also show here. My problem about loading it is that whenever I try auto load or Manual load of software, no new software is found. I am also doubtful that the load will happen automatically over the air because as far as I know, this has never happened in the life of the unit.
    David Johnson

    Humax software is not transmitted continuously, it has to take its turn with software for other makes and models. You are getting the "no new software is found" message because you are trying to download the software when it isn't being transmitted. The v.23 software has been transmitted 5 or 6 times over the last year or so, if your machine didn't pick it up then you need to check your Software Auto Update settings. Also for Auto Update to work the machine must be in Standby at the Auto Update time, 04:00 by default

    | Thu 5 May 2011 12:10:48 #8 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    seagull76 - 8 hours ago  » 
    Not being ultra literate in these matters, can you explain to me please the process for "use the serial interface and the WinOak software"

    Could I suggest Flash9200 as a potentially easier to use alternative to Wdn4Oak+.

    | Thu 5 May 2011 20:17:50 #9 |

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