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Slow copying SD recordings to USB sticks

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    giverny - 11 hours ago  » 
    I have the lastest firmware 1.00.63 with Vista on a PC and also a Synology NAS box - if I create a network drive via either PC or NAS and copy recordings with Samba to either device, they are still encrypted. If I plug an external hard drive into the Humax USB port the files copy as decrypted and are playable - the problem with USB is the files take forever to copy over.

    All that is covered in the "Drive not showing on PC" thread. I wasn't able to test 1.00.63 as Humax haven't released it publicly but it seems that the only way with 1.00.59 you can unencrypt SD recordings over Samba is to use Windows 8 or Windows 10.

    Humax are now aware of this issue after weeks of email exchange and we can only hope that the next firmware update 1.00.63 addesses these failings and others.


    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 11:24:34 #11 |
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    RichardS-UK - 1 hour ago  » 

    giverny - 11 hours ago  » 
    I have the lastest firmware 1.00.63 with Vista on a PC and also a Synology NAS box - if I create a network drive via either PC or NAS and copy recordings with Samba to either device, they are still encrypted. If I plug an external hard drive into the Humax USB port the files copy as decrypted and are playable - the problem with USB is the files take forever to copy over.

    All that is covered in the "Drive not showing on PC" thread. I wasn't able to test 1.00.63 as Humax haven't released it publicly but it seems that the only way with 1.00.59 you can unencrypt SD recordings over Samba is to use Windows 8 or Windows 10.
    Humax are now aware of this issue after weeks of email exchange and we can only hope that the next firmware update 1.00.63 addesses these failings and others.

    I saw the same issue using Windows 7, eventually I got Samba to connect only to find the SD recordings were encrypted that's why I'm using USB but it's too slow.

    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 13:21:18 #12 |
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    I have firmware 1.00.63 on my 4000T 2TB Nero version and it does not decrypt when linked via Samba with Vista nor with a Synology NAS. I get that the PC software is out of date but the NAS is brand new with latest versions of firmware and software.

    Only way I can decrypt is via USB to an external hard drive but as previously said by me and others it is painfully slow.

    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 14:10:29 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    RichardS-UK - 2 hours ago  » 
    I wasn't able to test 1.00.63 as Humax haven't released it publicly but it seems that the only way with 1.00.59 you can unencrypt SD recordings over Samba is to use Windows 8 or Windows 10.

    Is it understood why that is the case?

    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 14:21:19 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle - 46 minutes ago  » 

    RichardS-UK - 2 hours ago  » 
    I wasn't able to test 1.00.63 as Humax haven't released it publicly but it seems that the only way with 1.00.59 you can unencrypt SD recordings over Samba is to use Windows 8 or Windows 10.

    Is it understood why that is the case?

    Unfortunately not. UK Humax support are extremely unfamiliar with the FVP-4000T. I even had to show them that SD recordings are actually encrypted on the box (I had to send his some SD recordings) but can be decrypted over USB or Samba but not FTP and cannot be decrypted if the Samba server is addressed using IP addressing. Even trying to explain to him the difference between network mapping and network discovery was painful to say the least so any concept of the difference in the way that Vista and 7 work with SMB/CIFS compared to Win8 and 10 is pointless. However, all credit that he has agreed to forward my findings to the team who did the implementation of the SMB code in the hope that they can fix this in the next firmware after 1.00.63.


    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 15:19:22 #15 |
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    It begs the question, why does the Humax encrypt SD. It can't help performance encrypting and then decryptting for playback ? Presume also over DNLA the Humax has to decrypt for third party devices unless they do the decryption ?

    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 16:11:00 #16 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    All the Humax Freeview HD pvrs encrypt both SD and HD but build in the capability to decrypt SD on copying.

    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 16:28:22 #17 |
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    giverny - 17 minutes ago  » 
    It begs the question, why does the Humax encrypt SD. It can't help performance encrypting and then decryptting for playback ? Presume also over DNLA the Humax has to decrypt for third party devices unless they do the decryption ?

    The Humax will do the decrypting over DNLA as well.

    As you say, it seems a pointless exercise encrypting the SD stream in the first place. My old Windows Media Centre didn't encrypt SD recordings so presumably it's not a licensing restriction imposed by the TV companies?

    It would solve a lot of the problems with the FVP-4000T if Humax stopped encoding SD. Even the Vista / Win7 problems would be solved at a stroke!


    | Tue 26 Jan 2016 16:34:20 #18 |

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