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Slow death of my 9150T

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    This is my first post, so thanks in advance to anyone who can offer me any advice!

    After around 7 years of heavy use, my Humax 9150T appears ready to pass over to the PVR afterlife. But before that happens, I was hoping someone out there would be able to advise me about a problem I need to sort out before the standby light goes out for the last time!

    Saved on the HDD are a couple of recordings that I would desperately like to keep. Are there any guides out there that detail how to go about this, or has anyone got any help or advice they could offer. I've had a look online but seem to have come to a dead end.

    Also, I bought the box as a grade A refurb off the Humax direct website. I was looking on there a few weeks ago, but after looking yesterday, all links to it now seem to be dead, and I can't find anything on the main Humax website that links to the Humax direct website. Is Humax direct no more, and if so, are grade A's available elsewhere, or am I just being a bit thick?!?!

    Once again, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    | Fri 23 Jan 2015 8:39:53 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    thorpette - 1 hour ago  » 
    After around 7 years of heavy use, my Humax 9150T appears ready to pass over to the PVR afterlife.

    Care to tell us what is wrong with it?

    Saved on the HDD are a couple of recordings that I would desperately like to keep. Are there any guides out there that detail how to go about this, or has anyone got any help or advice they could offer.

    I think your options are straightforward: either you attach a DVD recorder to the Humax and make new recordings that way or you open the Humax and attach the drive to a PC and use humaxrw to copy the files off.

    Is Humax direct no more

    The web site went down pretty suddenly recently and some people reported orders being cancelled. I would speculate that they will reappear at some point but I don't know for certain.

    | Fri 23 Jan 2015 10:46:48 #2 |

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