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Slow response

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    I too have am having VERY slow responses via remote, but reviews vary. This in my mind shows up quality control issues, these boxes ain't cheap, I expect a LOT better. had it 3 months, and losing will to live, i have a now permanent indentation of the Humax remote embedded in my index finger. i bought it to replace a dodgy 25 quid Bush pvr off eBay,considering trying to sell it, will have to sell privately as I couldn't inflict friends with this abomination. Bush is back, and its great in comparison, press play...And it PLAYS!, unlike the Humax, press,press,press,press,yay, something is happening

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 10:10:51 #11 |
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    Completely agree. Two seconds isn't long, but as others have rightly said many other boxes are near-instantaneous and the slight delay makes for a frustrating experience.

    This problem is compounded by the fact that it takes so many button presses to get anywhere - those two seconds start to add up.

    Here's one of my gripes in terms of button presses, does anyone know a faster way of doing this? I'm watching a recording and I want to flick back to live TV to check something. I then want to resume watching the recoded program. To do this I have to hit Home, Recordings, Find the programme (scrolling through all the programs because it doesn't remember where I was), then find the right episode (which unless it is the latest episode I have to scroll backwards because again it doesn't remember where I was), then press play, then press "Yes play from where I was last watching".

    If the interface was snappy I might just about forgive it, but its just too sluggish.

    On a previous box I had, I could just press "Play" on the remote and it would call up the last program I was watching. So simple, so logical, so helpful.

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 11:32:34 #12 |
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    Is there any way to call up "info" on a recording that is currently being watched? You seem to have to stop and exit the recording.....

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 17:48:39 #13 |
  4. Barry


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    richlatham - 9 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any way to call up "info" on a recording that is currently being watched? You seem to have to stop and exit the recording.....

    Our FAQ's are your friend

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 17:59:06 #14 |
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    Barry - 3 minutes ago  » ...FAQ's are your friend...

    Judging from the explanation I would suggest they are anything but. The 1000S has taken on a whole new light.

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 18:05:18 #15 |
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    Wow! Thanks Barry for the help :). Would be nice to have an "info" button as it's not particularly intuitive.

    | Tue 4 Apr 2017 18:30:37 #16 |
  7. Stephenesque


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    mattw80 - 22 hours ago  » 

    Here's one of my gripes in terms of button presses, does anyone know a faster way of doing this? I'm watching a recording and I want to flick back to live TV to check something. I then want to resume watching the recoded program. To do this I have to hit Home, Recordings, Find the programme (scrolling through all the programs because it doesn't remember where I was), then find the right episode (which unless it is the latest episode I have to scroll backwards because again it doesn't remember where I was), then press play, then press "Yes play from where I was last watching".
    If the interface was snappy I might just about forgive it, but its just too sluggish.
    On a previous box I had, I could just press "Play" on the remote and it would call up the last program I was watching. So simple, so logical, so helpful.

    This is the quickest way I have found to back to the last recording you were watching after stopping it to watch live TV.

    Home > Down > Left twice > OK three times.

    To go back to an earlier recording you were watching press 'Left' the appropriate number of times until you reach the desired recording.

    It's not exactly quick, but it is much quicker than going back to the recordings list and scrolling through the library, and it does take you straight to the episode you were watching.

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 10:32:35 #17 |
  8. Stephenesque


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    richlatham - 16 hours ago  » 
    Wow! Thanks Barry for the help :). Would be nice to have an "info" button as it's not particularly intuitive.

    You're right it's not particularly intuative, but I have now got used to using the same sequence,

    'Home > Down > Left twice > OK'

    both to get the info whilst watching a recording, and to get back to a recording from live TV.

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 10:42:01 #18 |
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    When is the next software release out?

    | Wed 5 Apr 2017 13:07:57 #19 |
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    Reading the above 'shortcuts' really does make me wonder who thought this software was anywhere near acceptable. Granted the guide has improved massively since it first came out, but the rest of it, i.e. the recording schedule and recording list still resemble the original huge graphic layout of the original guide software and really jars with the new slim-line look of the guide.

    Much improved as the guide is though, it would be nice if it loaded in one go and not in 5 parts.... main guide outline, then contents, then channel numbers, then channel logos, then catch-up symbols.

    Why go from a super slick interface to one that is hobbled by speed and lack of shortcuts?

    I am seriously thinking of getting a new HDD for my 'old' HDR and making that our main machine again and putting the FVP out to pasture if things don't improve.

    | Thu 6 Apr 2017 7:15:31 #20 |

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