My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » HDR 1000, 1010, 1100S

So many missed recordings, going on eBay

(14 posts)
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    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 18


    I know I haven't posted many times on this forum but I have had enough of my 1000 box. Over the last couple of months it has missed so many recordings for no reason whatsoever. The last straw was coming back from a 2 week holiday and its missed 1 Broadchurch and only recorded 18 mins of the other episode. Nothing else in my list was recorded either. No reason why. Its so unreliable I have resorted to recording programs using the built in recording feature of my Samsung TV, which has a much faster UI as well.

    This box for me is not fit for purpose. What with the joke of Demand5 and 4OD that are still 'coming soon' now 4 months late, ITV player hardly ever working (just get a black screen) its on eBay next week and I have ordered the Youview box from BT in replacement.

    Poor effort Humax

    | Wed 10 Apr 2013 18:56:26 #1 |


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    Gr4z - 2 hours ago  » 
    I know I haven't posted many times on this forum but I have had enough of my 1000 box. Over the last couple of months it has missed so many recordings for no reason whatsoever. The last straw was coming back from a 2 week holiday and its missed 1 Broadchurch and only recorded 18 mins of the other episode. Nothing else in my list was recorded either. No reason why. Its so unreliable I have resorted to recording programs using the built in recording feature of my Samsung TV, which has a much faster UI as well.
    This box for me is not fit for purpose. What with the joke of Demand5 and 4OD that are still 'coming soon' now 4 months late, ITV player hardly ever working (just get a black screen) its on eBay next week and I have ordered the Youview box from BT in replacement.
    Poor effort Humax

    Good luck. :-), I think your installation has a problem.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2013 21:03:40 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Since the latest firmware update my box has made dozens of recordings with zero failings. ITV player works OK as well.

    | Wed 10 Apr 2013 21:12:46 #3 |
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    Joined: Mar '13
    Posts: 14


    Same here, hundreds of recordings, 1 failed and one recorded wrong program with right name but wrong description (Most likely a problem in the freesat guide data rather than the box though)

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 7:14:25 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Only 'failed' programmes I have had recently is because they were not broadcast.

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 7:18:50 #5 |
  6. chrisund123


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    The only failed recordings I've noticed on mine have all been because my 6 year old son flipped the switch on my standby saver LOL!

    Even my missus loves the 1000S, and lord knows how difficult to please she is...

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 9:39:50 #6 |
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    Joined: Nov '12
    Posts: 18


    The box started very well. Just over the last couple of months, for no reason it has failed to record loads of things. Other stuff records. Its just random. My Missus hates it and won't use it anymore.

    Can you suggest anything then? Reset it? How would I do that?

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 10:22:08 #7 |
  8. grahamlthompson


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    Gr4z - 5 minutes ago  » 
    The box started very well. Just over the last couple of months, for no reason it has failed to record loads of things. Other stuff records. Its just random. My Missus hates it and won't use it anymore.
    Can you suggest anything then? Reset it? How would I do that?

    Make a note of your recording schedule.

    Settings - Factory Default (password is 0000 unless you have changed it)

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 10:29:06 #8 |


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    I suggest that you also check what signal you get on channel 407 which shares the freesat transponder. It should be at least good.

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 14:54:08 #9 |
  10. -gonzo-


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    Posts: 660


    Same here, no failed recordings. The box has been a pleasure to use recently.
    Sounds to me that a factory default hasn't been done since the last update.

    | Thu 11 Apr 2013 19:11:15 #10 |

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