I've just replaced my old FoxsatHDR with a new 1100S.
So far, I've had to power down the box after it seized up on about three occasions! But, apart from that, I'm quite impressed.
A few questions:
(1) The manual supplied with the 1100S box contains the bare essentials and is not exactly "technical"! Is anything else available?
(2) I can record individual programmes or whole series. But I can only set a reminder for individual programmes, not series! For example, with the old Foxsat HDR, I could set up a reminder/watch for the BBC News at Six and then edit (yellow button) that reminder and set it to 'repeat every weekday', so that the News would automatically appear on my screen every Mon-Fri. Is there a way of doing this on the 1100S?
(3) Is there any way I can copy recorded programmes from my old Foxsat to my new 1100S???