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Strange phenomena.

(2 posts)
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    Joined: Nov '16
    Posts: 46


    Ok, my setup until this morning was that the Aura was connected to my sound bar by an optical cable and set to digital up to 5.1 and everything was hunky dory. This morning I switched on to watch a man put a hat on and sit in a chair and there was nothing but noise/digital distortion from the box to the sound bar.
    The settings had not changed. I tried setting the sound to just TV speakers and the sound is perfect through the sound bar again! The sound bar is not directly connected to the TV at all!

    Explain that if you can!!

    | Sat 6 May 2023 14:18:38 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 951


    Wobbly optical cable connection at one end or the other?

    | Sun 7 May 2023 10:18:36 #2 |

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