Hi all,
been trying to get the hdr to play my music and videos for a while:(
I have a Zyxel NSA325 on my network which runs Twonky 7.0.9,
this plays and streams the videos fine and the hdr see them all
my problem is with the music side,
all my files are stored in folders for each album, then tracks are named 'track number' - 'track title'
all are mp3's
the issue I am having is that while the Twonky server can find 658 folders and 14159 tracks,
the hdr only see's 621 folders and 898 tracks ?
also the number of folders changes each time I return to the music directory.
If I connect to the twonky server from my pc I see all the folders and tracks (this is also the same for my iphone)
has anyone else come across any limits to the media player built into the hdr ?
and has anyone got any ideas