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Streaming to hdr1010

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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Hi, Hope someone can help, I am trying to stream from my laptop to the humax box, I have got as far as being able to see my laptop in the media share section, but the screen is showing "No items" what should I do next?

    | Sat 13 Dec 2014 19:01:09 #1 |


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    Shaz - 12 hours ago  » 
    Hi, Hope someone can help, I am trying to stream from my laptop to the humax box, I have got as far as being able to see my laptop in the media share section, but the screen is showing "No items" what should I do next?

    You can play content on your laptop using a DLNA server (Such as Windows Media Player (12)). Windows sharing / security settings need to be correct but if you can see the server then I think they should be.
    The content must be in the relevant WMP folders, MPEG2 and MP4 content work well, the client may be picky about content in some containers.

    | Sun 14 Dec 2014 7:44:06 #2 |
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    senior member
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    I use Universal Media Server to stream from a Windows 7 Pc. It's free and simple.

    | Sat 20 Dec 2014 21:12:42 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Rocksta - 2 hours ago  » 
    I use Universal Media Server to stream from a Windows 7 Pc. It's free and simple.

    Thanks for the link. Looks interesting. Will have a play with it and post how I get on.

    | Sat 20 Dec 2014 23:16:05 #4 |

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