My Humax Forum » Freeview SD » PVR 9150T, 9200T, 9300T

Stretched picture

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    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 16



    I've a 9200T. All displays available on the WIDE button look horozontally stretched. It's watchable but looks as if it's overscanning; film titles and the like have letters missing at both ends. My DVD player and old (no longer working) Digibox didn't have this problem so I don't think it's a fault with the TV. Various display choices are available on the TV (last generation TOSHIBA 30" flatscreen CRT) but none improve things. I've tried installing via the MEMU button selecting factory values.

    Implication of the WIDE button is it gives various choices of wide-screen display. If so, is there any way to bypass it; let the broadcast signal display in the format it was broadcast in?

    The TV is a last generation TOSHIBA 30" widescreen CRT. Three Scart sockets; I've tried them all.

    | Sat 11 Oct 2014 10:38:12 #1 |
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    special member
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    It appears that when you set-up the 9200T with your TV that you did not tell the 9200T that your TV was widescreen.
    To tell the 9200T that your TV is now widescreen on the Humax it's
    MENU >> Preferences >> A/V Control >> Screen Ratio >> 16:9

    | Sat 11 Oct 2014 19:58:34 #2 |
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    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 16


    Thank you Luke, much appreciated. I followed your instructions, problem solved.

    | Sat 11 Oct 2014 20:24:20 #3 |

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