My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Stuck in deleting mode

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    I have read a few posts on here about the same problem I am experiencing - deleting symbol permanently showing and no recordings taking place but I can still view files already recorded - but they seem very outdated. Anyone have the latest advice to help get me back on track? Happy to get update on USB if someone can point me to the right version.

    Here are my settings

    Model- HDR-FOX T2
    Software version - FHTCP 1.03.12
    Loader version - a7.33
    System ID 80BC.7E00
    Update date - 7 Feb 2014
    MICOM version - 9.3
    MAC address - 08.EB 74 22 2C B7



    | Tue 13 Dec 2016 19:35:40 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    The first thing to try would be to downgrade software to version 1.01.09 from the link below, boot box after update.

    Instructions for updating are included in the zipped download files.

    Then upload the latest version again from:

    If that fails to fix the problem, then update us and I'm sure one of our members will then provide details on trying the custom software.

    | Tue 13 Dec 2016 20:13:07 #2 |
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    Hi Barry

    Thanks! Will get on the case when I get a chance and will report back!


    | Tue 13 Dec 2016 20:45:38 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    See this post and then click on the footnote re the custom firmware.

    Note restoring the up to date firmware will restart the deletes requiring a disk format to fix, so copy all recordings off the box before restoring the newer firmware.

    | Tue 13 Dec 2016 21:13:21 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    I would suggest reading this FAQ post on this site (Note the instructions are slightly out of date and the current recommended version would be (could a mod update the FAQ please)). The reason this is a better approach than the installing older firmware suggested by Barry is that the delete problem is also often accompanied by minor corruption to the file system and the older firmware will not correct that problem.

    Admin Edit: FAQ updated as requested.

    | Tue 13 Dec 2016 21:28:28 #5 |
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    Hello again

    In preparation for us trying the suggested updates to break it out of the deleting mode, We have tried to copy all our recordings on to an external drive (1TB with its own power source, connected by USB) and can't get it recognised. The data storage option is greyed out in settings. Don't want to risk losing all our recordings when updating the firmware by reverting to an old version then updating etc. Or would our recordings be safe no matter what?

    Thinking of just buying a new box! Saw that the latest boxes being sold in John Lewis weren't getting great reviews though!


    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 21:40:21 #6 |
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    calladrum - 1 hour ago  » 
    We have tried to copy all our recordings on to an external drive (1TB with its own power source, connected by USB) and can't get it recognised.

    This has been reported before. Normal reason for that is that the drive is not formatted as per the manual for copying.

    NTFS is a common format which the manual states that it will not copy to.

    Is your drive formatted to one of the formats the user guide states is OK for copying to?

    I use FAT32 and EXT3 fine.

    | Wed 21 Dec 2016 23:45:16 #7 |
  8. MontysEvilTwin


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    There are no guarantees, but I have never known a firmware update cause the loss of recordings on this model. I would install the custom firmware, then run fixdisk from maintenance mode, and select the option to fix the delete loop. Use the latest custom firmware (version 3.10). There are variants available based on versions 1.02.20, 1.02.32 and 1.03.12 of the official firmware. There are specific reasons you may want 1.02.20 (better audio description), 1.02.32 (quick guide navigation), or 1.03.12 (working portal with iPlayer). If you are on 1.03.12, which you probably are (this is the latest version and has been distributed over the air in the past) then stick to that one.
    As said in an above post, the custom firmware will provide the best fix for this fault. The firmware downgrade/ upgrade method does not always work: the delete loop may return when you install the newer firmware again.

    | Thu 22 Dec 2016 12:46:39 #8 |

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